Chapter 37 - The dragon

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"Yo chica! We got it! We actually got it!" Esposito called out and I jumped from his sudden outburst, pretty much punching up the break room door as he announced he'd gotten it.

"You got him?" Castle asked from beside me and I felt dizzy.

"Yeah, I got a match!" Esposito waved with his hand, indicating he wanted us to follow him.

Castle jumped up from the couch but turned to me the second he felt I was still in the same spot I'd been when Esposito had come in. I felt both of them staring at me and I shook my head to try and get rid of the dizziness. I would finally get to know who had my mother killed. Who had taken Alexis away from her father.

"Let's go" I said, more to myself than to the men in the room, and stood up.

Castle sneaked his hand into mine and hugged it, showing he was right there beside me if I needed him. I dragged him with me while we followed Esposito towards the tech room where Ryan was waiting for us. We got inside trying not to make a big deal out of anything, we didn't want captain Gates or any of the other detectives in the room get suspicious with what we were up to. To my relief my partners had already taken down the blindfolds to keep people out, so once we closed the door the rest of the people had no clue what we were doing in there.

"You ready?" Ryan asked as he stood by the computer and both me and Castle looked towards the big screen.

"Hit it" Esposito said after he had observed me for a couple seconds.

"You mean that bitch Johanna Beckett?" sounded the male voice. "She's already been taken care of..."

On the big screen the sound waves were compared to another tape that was playing at the same time. The computer beeped and big words appeared on the screen 'MATCH'.

"Who does it belong to?" I quickly asked, now I didn't have much patience anymore.

Whoever it was he was going down. I was sick of this bastard being out in the free.

"It belongs to none other than..." Ryan said clicking on the mouse to reveal the name.

"Senator William H. Bracken" Esposito continued after his partner and I felt my jaw drop.

"The senator is behind my mom's murder?!" I called out in shock which immediately gained hushing from my fellow partners in the room.

I didn't know what else to say. This was so confusing, yet it made so much sense on how he had managed to keep it all a secret. If anyone could get people to cover for him it would be the senator.

"That explains the message's IP-adress being from the building he sits in" Castle said and I saw Esposito eye him.

"What message? Did he send you guys a message you forgot to mention?" he questioned us and I shook my head.

"We told you, there was an anonymous, false, tip saying Castle was using his daughter. And that message was sent from somewhere inside the building where the senator sits" I recalled us telling my partners everything, though I figured they had been too shocked in that second to really comprehend everything we had been telling them.

"Right" Esposito muttered as an answer.

"Now that we got the evidence, shouldn't we tell Gates?"

"Tell me what?" Gates asked stepping into the room before Ryan could finish his sentence.

Ryan shot me an apologizing look that showed so much remorse I felt sorry for the guy. He couldn't have known she would burst in like she did, the blinds were down so how the hell could any of us have known.

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