Chapter 32 - Precinct

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"Thanks for taking her today dad, I really need to get back to work" I hugged my dad.

"No problem kiddo" he said.

He tightened the hug before he let me go and I bent down on my knees to be in the same height as Alexis. I hoped to god neither my dad or Alexis noticed how sore my body felt after the things I'd done last night. Alexis threw her arms around my neck and snuggled close into my hair.

"Go get the bad guys" she whispered in my ear and I smiled hugging her.

She was really like my own. I really hoped that nothing bad was going to happen now that we were so close to not having to keep all of this a secret.

"I will, have a great day with Jim" I replied kissing her cheek before we pulled apart.

I waved to them as I backed away towards my car, where Castle was laying in the back seat trying to not be seen. I threw a kiss towards them and Alexis immediately threw one back before I jumped into the car, starting it. I waved as soon as I had pulled out of the driveway and saw them wave back before they shut the door.

"Can I get up?" Castle asked from the back.

"Not yet" I told him.

After I rounded the corner from my dad's street so that the house was out of sight I told him he could get up. He easily climbed into the front seat and put on his cap and sunglasses.

"You sure this is gonna work?" he asked and I felt him looking at me.

I glanced at him before looking back at the road, steering the car towards the precinct.

"I hope it will, otherwise we're both screwed" I told him and stole another glance of him.

He looked handsome, the only problem was that the police officers might find him suspicious with the disguise. Hopefully they would see him being with me and not pay another thought on him. We rode the rest of the path in silence, I could sense he was nervous for what was to come. Once I'd parked the car I turned to him to see his body tense up.

"Remember, try not to talk until I give you some kind of sign" I told him and he looked at me to give me a nod. "You okay?" I asked him when it looked like he was holding his breath.

"Yeah, why?" he asked but I could see he was lying.

"Take a deep breath" I told him and when he was about to protest I gave him a look.

He bit his lip before he listened to me and took a deep breath. I smiled before I opened my door and jumped out of the car. When I closed the door and Castle didn't follow out I walked around to his side and opened the door for him.

"I'm coming" he said but didn't move.

I leaned down, putting my hands on his car seat and leaned my head close to his.

"Loosen up, or else you're just gonna bring more attention to yourself. I'm right beside you" I said to him in a low sincere voice.

I gently let my lips touch his and once our lips started moving I could immediately feel the tension slowly leave his body. I took a grip on his hands and slowly pulled back and brought him with me. The second he stood before me I got caught up in the moment and put my arms around his neck while his hands landed on my hips. I couldn't help but gasp out an 'ouch' when he lifted up my leg to wrap it around him. He immediately let go of me and pulled away to look down at me with worried eyes. I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked down biting my lip.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt?" Castle asked with his voice as filled with worry as his eyes.

I looked up at him and tasted blood as I managed to bite through my lip.

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