Chapter 40 - On one condition

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"Detective Kate Beckett?" the woman behind the reception asked and I took a deep breath before I raised.

I walked up to the woman and she gave me a sweet smile.

"First time in the foster care?" she asked and I nodded. "Don't worry, it'll all be just fine, you'll do great," she encouraged and asked me to sign a paper she held out.

She told me where to go and I got another paper with me. I told her a 'thank you' and went in the direction she had pointed at. I walked through the doors and got to a big room where another woman stood, probably waiting for me. I gave her the paper and after glancing it she looked up with a bright smile.

"You ready to meet her?" she asked and I nodded, biting my inside cheek.

She started leading me towards another door telling me that the girl I was about to meet was a bit grumpy that day. At first I couldn't really believe her, how grumpy could a five year old be? But when she opened the door I saw the most adorable red headed angel sit on the floor with the most depressed look I had ever seen. I felt my heart ache, the need to help this girl was bigger than I had ever thought it would be. The girl was looking down at the stuffed monkey she held in her hands, fumbling with it as if she was completely lost in thought.

"Do you want me to introduce you?" the woman beside me asked and I turned my eyes to her again.

"No, I think l better do it myself," I answered with a friendly voice.

She nodded and carefully walked out of the room. I figured she'd walk to the room on the other side of that big mirror, I had a feeling it was there so they see how the new foster parents were acting towards the kids when they're alone with them, the same as we did as cops when someone was interrogating a perp. The girl sitting on the floor had really all the toys possible laying all around her but I found it fascinating how the only thing she seemed to be able to see was that stuffed monkey she held.

"Hi," I carefully tried to approach the little girl, "my name's Kate, what's yours?"

The little girl didn't even flinch, only continued to fiddle with the monkey. I carefully sat down in front of her with my legs crossed, had a feeling I was going to have to stay there for a while. Since she didn't even look up so I decided to try another technique.

"What's your friend's name?"

That got her to look up at me with a surprised glimpse in her sad eyes.

"What?" her voice was small, weak almost.

"Your little monkey, I guess he has a name?" I said gently.

Her eyes turned back to the stuffed animal in her hands for a few seconds, thinking, before she opened her mouth with great hesitation.

"Monkey-Bonkey," she breathed.

"Monkey-Bonkey? That's a perfect name! How old is he?" I questioned with excitement, though with a quiet voice since I didn't want to scare her.

"Three, I got him when I was two," she answered, and closed her mouth quickly when she caught herself say more than she'd planned.

"That's cool! I had a teddy when I was your age, named it Jo after my mom's name Johanna," I told her, thinking if I opened up to her then maybe she'd open up for me.

"Really? Where's your mom?" she asked and I bit my lip.

Walked right into that one.

"She's in heaven," I replied and she let go of an 'oh'.

"Do you miss her?" she added.

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