Chapter 29 - Handcuffs

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Before I knew it we were sitting on the floor, me telling Castle every little detail I could remember about the objects he pointed at in my room. I could see how he absorbed everything, taking in my every word. When he ran out of obvious objects to ask about he stood up and looked around, he looked at me with a small smirk and I could see he had something not-so-good-for-me in his mind before he, without warning, bumped down on the floor and looked under my bed. I couldn't help but let go of a horrified yelp as I saw his move. Before I could jump to my feet and stop him he let go of a surprised but joyful "aha!". He jumped up again with a pair of handcuffs swaying in his hands.

"Aaaand what memory does these hold? Or should I ask about memories?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk showing on his face.

I gulped before I made a quick decision, stood up and walked to him. I snatched the handcuffs from his hands and gave him a raised eyebrow. Without a word, surprising him, I took his hand and, with force, I handcuffed him to the grating of my bed. The force I used made him fall on his back onto the bed.

"Wha-what are you doing?" he asked with a frightened squeak.

I placed my hands on either side of his body to put my face closer to him, intimidating him a bit.

"Those are memories you're never going to hear about" I told him in a seductive whisper, not being able to keep myself from doing what I was doing.

I could see my words got to him in the most satisfying way. His free hand quickly found its way around my neck and he crushed our lips together in a smooth but passionate move. I immediately got lost in his taste as he had swiftly managed to open my mouth and stick in his tongue. I let my body go down on top of his to feel his body closer to mine. I felt my breathing get heavier as the heat in the room rised. His free hand went down from my neck to my back, trying to touch me as much as he could with only one hand. That's when I regretted handcuffing him in the first place, his hands were much more pleasurable free than they were cuffed. I trembled my hand towards the nightstand beside my bed and pulled out the drawer to fumble around searching for the key. His tongue danced with mine and not soon enough I found the key. I didn't hesitate but immediately unlocked the handcuffs, which resulted in his hand going to my back, touching me like the other. I felt his hands  going for the hem of my t-shirt and the tingling going up my body when his fingers run under it on my naked back. My shirt went up along with his hands and I could soon feel his fingers around the hatch of my bra. I pushed my body closer to his, no matter how close I got it didn't feel like it was close enough. I couldn't get rid of his body against mine. We both pulled away to catch our breaths for a few seconds before we locked mouths again. We were in our own little bubble, cut off from the world. It felt like nothing could stop us, as if we were meant to be together in the most possible ways there was. I couldn't believe how infatuated I had become. Never in my whole life had I felt something this... enchanting, and it kept amazing me. It was like I could never get used to his touch, as if every time he touched me it was like the first time. I moaned as I moved my hips against his body. Suddenly he pushed me away enough to talk, and to stop me from doing what I was doing to his manhood.

"Your dad will kill me if he finds us like this" he said with heavy breath and a scared tone in his voice.

I couldn't help but laugh, I pecked his lips before I got off him and held out my hand to him. He smiled and took it, letting me pull him up on his feet.

"I never figured you for someone afraid of my dad" I chuckled and he stepped closer to me, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Pfft, I'm not scared, I just respect his wishes to not find his daughter doing..." he let go of a yelp when I reached behind him to squeeze his bum.

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