Chapter 36 - Magic

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My dad had almost the same reaction as the guys, but after I had glared at him for a minute he calmed down, shut up and listened. After I had told him the whole story, showed the sound-clip he was quiet. He was probably trying to process everything I had told him, it was despite everything quite a lot to process.

"What's your next move?" my dad asked and I looked at him with surprised eyes.

He didn't sound upset anymore. Not like he had in the beginning of my story.

"Uhm, our next move is to go back to the precinct to ask Espo and Ryan help us ID the voice" I told him and he nodded.

"So, I'm guessing you need me to watch the girls" he more stated than asked.

"Yes, if Molly wants to stay here that is" I said and he gave me a questioning look. "We saved her today, again, after Billy turned out to be a bad guy and ever since she got her arms around me she hasn't really let go, until she saw Alexis twenty minutes ago."

"Oh" he breathed and nodded, "well, if they wanna stay here I'll take care of them. Just promise to nail this guy who made Alexis loose her father, and to be careful" he added.

"I promise dad, I'd never let justice sleep for too long" I tried to joke small and he smiled.

"I know kiddo, just be careful. I know I couldn't survive loosing you and I have a feeling neither could Alexis or Molly" he said honest.

"I'll be fine, like always" I promised him and kissed his cheek before I hugged him. "Thanks for listening and not judging too soon."

"No problem, and sorry for interrupting you in the beginning" he said while I just hugged him tighter before letting go.

We stood and walked down to the others with smiles on our faces. Once Castle noticed us coming down the stairs he looked at me with questioning eyes. I smiled at him and shook my head, telling him with my eyes that we had nothing to worry about. I went to the girls who called out for me to see what a cool cave they had built with pillows and blankets by the couch. As I walked towards the cave and bent down to be able to follow the girls inside I heard my dad start talking to Castle in a low tone, probably trying to talk to him without me hearing.

"Look!" Molly pointed to a cozy old lamp standing in the middle of the cave.

The lamp had the old Disney movies theme and I couldn't imagine where they had found it, I'd thought it was gone.

"Was that yours when you were a kid?" Alexis asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah, me, my mom and my dad bought it one time when we were at Disneyland" I told them with a big smile remembering that day.

"Okay Katie, you can choose one more thing that you wanna get, ONE" mom agreed after a long time with me saying 'please'.

"Choose carefully" my dad warned with a wink before I set of into the Disney store.

I knew my parents followed me. I was not even the slightest worried about them disappearing. I looked around in the shop, knowing I had a hard decision in front of me. I really wanted to take the whole shop with me back home but I was glad I had been able to convince mom and dad to let me get one more thing. My eyes reached the pillows and the stuffed animals and I went over there. I almost picked one up to choose but stopped in my tracks. I had already gotten a stuffed animal the day before, and my mom had given me a pillow as a surprise when I went to bed. No, not that then. I turned around and continued my search for the perfect last memory. Suddenly, after a great ten minutes of searching, the whole store got dark and I felt fear grab me. Why had the power gone out? Was there a storm? Where was mom and dad? I kept turning around to see if I could find them but I saw nothing in this darkness. I took a few steps and my eyes caught a glimpse of some light further into the store. Since I didn't know what to do I decided to take my chances and walk towards the light, if there was something suspicious when I got there I could always yell. There were more people than me in the store when the lights went out, hopefully someone would come to my rescue if something happened. When I got closer to the light I saw it was a lamp. It looked like wood, with the Disney characters carved into it. Ariel, Baloo, Pinocchio, Bambi, Dumbo, Tinkerbell along with Peter Pan and so many more characters. I wondered how the lamp was still glowing, was it magical? I flinched when the power suddenly came back and the lights were on.

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