Chapter 26 - Found it

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I pulled Alexis inside and quickly shut the door behind us so no one would hear her father's outburst.

"I think I found it, I don't know how but I did!" Castle continued to ramble in a loud voice.

I saw Alexis look at her father with a shocked look before her eyes turned to me.

"Castle, slow down!" I said louder so he would hear me over his babbling about finding something.

He stopped middle sentence and turned to us.

"What Castle, what did you find?" I asked and he opened his mouth but then he looked at his daughter.

"Dad?" Alexis asked and Castle snapped out of it.

"I found the tape that could help us get Alexis back to me" he said and I widened my eyes with surprise.

"You did!" I exclaimed and I felt a smile appear on my lips.

He nodded with a big smile and Alexis's voice filled the room.

"I can live with you again?" she asked and he looked at his daughter.

"Yes" he said and she let go of a small scream of joy as she ran towards her father.

I watched as he lifted her up in his arms and twirled around with her laughing. I felt my eyes get watery at the scene. It was clear those two loved each other more than anything, and that they needed each other to survive.

"Kate can come with me, we can live in our loft all of us" Alexis said with a big smile and I looked at her with shock.

"Pumpkin, that's probably too big of a bomb to drop this soon" Castle chuckled and I looked at him with a questioning look. "You are welcome to live with us though" he added lower with a small grin.

I opened my mouth but wasn't sure of what to say. I didn't want to leave Alexis or Castle but I wasn't sure if living with them was the greatest idea considering the fact that we weren't supposed to even see each other, yet.

"Oh" Alexis said but waved to me to come over.

I shook my head to loose the thoughts and walked over to the two. As soon as I got into grasping range Castle put one of his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I put one hand on his shoulder and the other one around Alexis who was still in Castle's arms. I was really surprised when Castle suddenly came closer and kissed my lips. My heart stopped for a moment as I felt the electricity move from his lips to mine. I pulled away when I heard a small giggle right beside my ear.

"Daddy and Kate sitting in a tree" Alexis mocked in her small whispering voice.

I felt my cheeks go red and was trying to move away from Castle but he kept his arm around me to keep me close.

"We should, uhm, I need to..." Castle cut me off with another kiss which made my knees go weak.

"Can you move in with us now Kate?" Alexis asked and I looked at her.

"Too soon pumpkin" Castle whispered as he let me go, kissed Alexis's forehead before he sat her down on the ground.

She grinned big before she ran off towards her room. The second she was out of sight I turned to look at Castle with narrowed eyes.

"We didn't decide on telling her about us" I said with a small shock showing in my voice.

"She already had her suspicions" he winked before he put his arms around me again, "sorry though, I probably should've asked you first" he said with a sincere voice and looked down.

I bit my lip, I couldn't be mad at him. He was too adorable to be mad at.

"Fine" I said and when I didn't say more he looked up into my eyes.

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