Chapter 9

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*Aundraya's P.O.V.*"You piece of shit! Fucking waste of space." I felt the monster kick me. He grabbed me and slapped me yelling horrible thing to me. "LISTEN TO ME YOU DUMB SLUT!!" He pushed me to the ground. He mumbled under his breathe, "Just like your mother." I glared at him. I got up hitting him square in the face. I knew the consequences, but MY mother was worth it. He gave me a look. I prepared for everything he would do to me.
*Now (present)*
I felt someone shake me, I heard yelling, but it was muffled. I tried moving, talking, but nothing. Everything felt numb. I felt weak. Where am I anyways? Oh, right I can't fucking see!

Suddenly, the voices got louder and I could hear them clearly. "--he had a panic attack, she'll be alright. But I did see some scars..has she been harming herself?" If I could flinch, I would. I hate talking about. That was when I was stupid. Cutting yourself doesn't change anything. What's the use? It makes the pain even worse. Why do it? I'm not saying it's stupid, because that would make me a hypocrite, but still, not a very good idea. Anyways, Damon hesitated before speaking, "Yes, but that was years ago. She's better now." I heard the doctor hum. He mumbled something, then said a quick "have a good day, you can leave" and left. Damon signed. He shuffled and sat by me. I'm guessing so, because I could hear his shaky breathing. "Aun, wake up. Please." With all my strength I tried opening my eyes, moving. Finally, I opened them, a bright light blinding me. Damon winded his eyes, he smiled and hugged me. "God damn it Aun!! Don't scare me like that!" I laughed, "I missed you too bro." After that, we left, going to our apartment.
*Next Day*

"AUN! WAKE UP TIME FOR SCHOOL!" I jumped and screamed, punching Damon in the face. He fell off the bed, groaning. I looked over the bed, and see Damon holding his nose. I started laughing. He grunted and mumbles curse words. "Yeah, yeah. Shut up and get ready" I smiled at him. "Awwh poor Damon! I sowwy does it hurt?" He glared, but nodded with a pout. I rolled my eyes, and pushed him out of my room, about to get ready. I took a shower, I admit I was thinking about the shower..naked. I shook my head, "nah, she's not my type." I decided on a "Black Veil Brides" shirt. Then some black skinny jeans, with a nirvana beanie. I fixed my hair, making sure I look sexy for the ladies. I grabbed my binder, and me and Damon went to hell.

"Okay class, before we get to what we're going to learn today, I want to talk all of you." The class paid attention to whatever the hell she was about to say. "When we talk about today's subject YOU will be mature about it." 'Omfg I wish Lynn was here, at least I'll be some what entertain.' "-duction. Now everyone get into groups of four." I looked around confused. Damon smirked at me, and walked over. "I'm guessing you weren't paying attention?" I smirked back, "Why of course, I'm totally interested." We looked at each other, and started laughing. He dramatically wiped his eye, pretending he was crying "Good one sis." We high five each other and looked at the teacher. "Class before we start I want you to talk about what you remember learning about Sexual reproduction." I looked at Damon. "Dear sear, what do you remember?" I said aloud. He smirked catching on, "Why m'lady , yes I do. Its when the guy sticks his lovely d*** in the girls v*****." The whole class stare at us, some wanting to burst out laughing. "Why my dear brother, that is correct! Although, there are many, many ways possible to make 'love'" Damon smiled, "Yes but you want to know something?" "Yes my very gay brother?" He laughed, "My favorite number is 71." The whole class lost it, and all we heard is laughter. The teacher, glared at us. "AUNDRAYA! DAMON! LEAVE NOW!" we both laughed and high five each other. The bell rang, and some were still chuckling/ giggling. Ahh now 5 more periods left.

Lynn's P.O.V.
"Lynn, Lynn,Lynn,Lynn,come on babe. Talk to me." I huffed annoyed. 'I sweat to god I'm going to kill this lesbo bitch.' She slapped my arm, making me gap at her. She smirked, "Hey sexy. How you doin?" I tried not to smile, maybe even laugh. But failed miserably. She smiled at me, "You laugh at everything don't you?" I did agree on that, but I didn't want to amid it. "No." She gave me a look, but dropped it. From the corner of my eye I saw her roll her eyes at something the teacher said. I took this time to study her appearance, her hair was comb over, I can't really describe it but it was the same like Boo's from Orange is the New Black. Very good show, but anyways her eyes were a grass green. Although they were bright. Her lips weren't very big they were slim, but yet sexy at the same time. Aun was wearing a black shirt that had..Black veil Brides!? I'll admit that was very attractive, but I still hated her..okay well maybe despised. "If you keep checking me out I'll have to take you here and now in front of everyone." I coughed, and glared at her. She gave me an innocent smile and winked. I put my head down to hide my smile.

It was lunch time, and I was sitting outside my back against the tree, reading a book called "Alice in ZombieLand" by Gena Showalter. (A/N very good book btw!!) I was at very interesting part, when someone snatched the book out of my hand. I got up and glared at the person who took it. I saw it was a slut that Aun was with in the bathroom. I got a stinging pain in my chest every time I though about it. She smacked her lips and glared at me, "Look bitch, stay away from Aun she's not yours she's mine. " I scoffed. "You can have her, slut." She gasped at me, "how dare you! I'm not a slut! You are for trying to steal Aun! I've been seeing you two hang out a lot, just back off." I laughed, but it wasn't for humor. "First of all i'm sure you have Aids, and second, I'm not, and third, I can talk to anyone I wish, last time I checked I didn't come out of you. Although even if I did, I would be disappointed and embarrassed to be around you." She stomped her foot and threw my book at the grass and swayed her hips making her look retarded. I rolled my eyes, the nerve of that bitch.

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