Chapter 25

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* Lynn's P.O.V. *
I woke up to a ring blasting from my ears. I groaned, the pain in my head getting worse. 'Where the fuck am I..?' 'Why ask yourself if you don't even know dumbass?' I sighed. Not the voice again. 'Oh please hush.' I rolled my eyes, and decided to ignore it. I looked around the room, and there was only a bed,and a small desk, and bars that kept me trap. 'Oh god its like a jail cell from the walking dead!' I squealed loudly, my fangirl coming out. 'You are a hostage, there's a chance you can get raped, murdered, maybe even both. And you decided to fangirl?' I rolled my eyes, way to ruin my mood. 'You're welcome' I rolled my eyes once again, and thought about how I'm going to get out of here. Might as well try to get out right? I don't want to be those lame girls that just wait to get murdered and seek sympthay when they didn't even try to escape. Although...I really don't want to move...I sighed. Me and my lazy ass self. Ah well, I'll just stay here till someone saves me. 'Didn't you just say you didn't want to be those ''lame girls" who didn't even try?' Oh whatever. This is different. 'Sure.' I scoffed, but decided to ignore the annoying voice in my head. I think they got even more annoying since I was little. You see, since I was a kid, I was diagnosis with psychosis disorder. Which means, I have false thoughts (delusions) and/or see or hear things that are not there (hallucinations). I sighed, and sudddnly I heard the door creek open. I looked to my right, to see Aun. "What the fuck are you-" she shushed me, and began to untie me. After she finished she hugged me tightly and kissed me. She pulled back before I had the chance to kiss back. She grabbed my hand, and rushed to the door, I stopped. "Come on Lynn we have to go!" Before we could blink, the door shut closed. And everything turned black and the last thing I heard was Aun scream, "You fucker!"
I groaned as I my head was pounding viscously. My eyes burned from the bright light, I tried moving my arm to rub them but they stayed on an arm rest. I looked down at them to see that they were tied to the arm rest of the wooden chair. I looked down at my legs, to see that they were also tied to the legs of the chair. I tried screaming, but they were concealed with a cloth. "Oh hush, that won't help." An agitated voice said, I looked to the corner of the room to see Josh and a man with a ugly ass beard. "Don't fuss, or your poor girlfriend will suffer more than she already has." Oh no Aun!' Beard guy grabbed someone that was tied up as I was, and put them in front of me. It was Aun. "Mmmm!" My voice was muffled by the cloth, but Aun slowly woke up. When she was fully awake, beard guy laughed. So did josh. I glared over at his direction. He smikred, "You are so pathetic. I can't believe you actually believed that we were 'cousins!'" He laughed harder, and I continued to glare. 'But he said he knew Emily.' "Mmpph!" He rolled his eyes, and took out the cloth. "Now, what was that?" I glared, "How do you know Emily?" I saw something go through his eyes, but it was quickly gone. "Well Aun's father can tell you that." I made a face, and glanced at Aun. She looked back and anger, shock, pain, and fear were in her beautiful green eyes. I looked back to Aun's father, and he smirked at me. 'Whats up with the smirking?' "Well my dear, I used to be married with Emily. Until.." He trailed off, and a distant look was in his eyes. He suddenly shook his head and glared angrily at Aun, and continued. "Until this dyke had fucking ruin it!" I scoffed. "Emily was too good for you anyways." He glared and walked up to me. I continued to stare him down, until he raised his hand and slapped me. I heard Aun moving her chair and her muffled words screaming at her father. I turned my head towards him, "Is that all you got? You think hitting me will make me scared of you? You're nothing old man. You're just a pathetic loser, you deserve to rot in hell! God damn it I swear, people who blame their problems on others, are full of bullshit! Grow the fuck up man. Face your problems asshole! Don't blame it on Aun you sick fuck." I basically spat at him. He stood there shocked, so did Josh and Aun. He walked over to Josh and whispered something to his ear, that made josh smile evily and he left. He walked over to the other side of the room where a table was set up and some tools were on it. He grabbed a knife, and walked over to Aun. My heart started beating faster by the second, he stood infront of Aun's face and that's when the torture began.
The next few hours passed of me screaming, crying, and being raped by a boy I thought that could be my friend.
(A/N I was going to end it here, but since I take forever to update I decided to make this a long chapter. Enjoy! 💙😊 -Clarissa)
Damon's P.O.V.
I was happily dancing to One Direction, when my phone beeped. I sighed, and saw that I got a message from Aun. 'Help, I've been kidnapped along with Lynn and Emily. Use the tracking device we put in my phone to find us! I love you.' I cursed, and did as Aun told me to do, and started tracking the phone to find her.
I ended up at a cabin, surrounded by the forest. I parked my car a few feet away so you couldn't see it. I ran over to the window, and ducked to the ground. I looked around, and I saw doors on the ground I used the tracking device to see if Aun was down there. She was. I cursed quietly, 'I need to distract whoever captured them...' I hummed, and a light bulb went off on top of my head. I chuckled, and got my old phone out of my pocket and looked for the right song. I knocked on the door loudly, kicked it, and played the song, and threw it a few feet away and ran behind a tree that was by the front door. I chuckled as 3 guys came out, and started looking around. I quietly sneeked inside, and slowly closed the door and locked it. I covered the windows, and grabbed my knife that was tucked in my back pocket. I looked around, and I put the table against the door to hold them off. I walked around the house, to see if there's a door leading to the basement. I looked at the tracker and saw that I was on top of her. I looked to my left, and there was a door that had a big 'X' on it in Gosh I hope gurl! I decided to kill Aun's father so he won't be in the way. How did i know he was here? Well he's a fucker, and he hated I went up the stairs and I heard a faint sob. 'Wtf..?' I gripped my knife, and I followed the sobbing and I ended up at a door that had scratched all over it. I pulled my knife in front of me, and opened the door. I saw Aun's father on the ground, pills and alcohol scattered all around him. He saw me, and looked at my knife. "Go ahead. I have nothing to live for anyways." He sobbed even more, and drank some vodka. I scoffed and kicked his leg. "Wow, I don't pity your ass. You deserve to rot in hell." He nodded, and continued to drink his Vodka. I sighed and forced him to stand up. He looked at the ground, and grabbed the knife and before I could react he stabbed himself in the heart. Blood poured out of his mouth, and dripping onto to the floor. His body dropped down, and like that, he was dead. I stood there shocked, 'What the fuck...? That was my knife! That little fucker!' I scoffed, and pulled my knife out and cleaned it with his shirt. I walked downstairs and I need to find Emily, so I looked around, and heard crying. There was a door next to the one with 'X' on it and I opened it and I saw Emily tied up in a chair. I untied her, and hugged her. She hugged back, "Thank you Dame!" I nodded, "Aun and Lynn are in the next room!" Something passed in her eyes, but I ignored it and grabbed her hand leading her to the door when I heard the knob wiggle from the door next to us that had Lynn and Aun in and I quickly slightly closed the door but left the door with a a little crack to look through. I saw josh, his hands and clothes were bloody. He slammed the door, and I gripped my gun that I also tucked in my belt, I turned towards Emily and told her to stay here. I opened the door and shot him in the leg, then the chest. He gasped, and fell onto the floor. I beat the shit out of him, and put a bullet in his skull. His breathing stopped, and his body went lifeless. I grabbed Emily and took her with me and I quickly opened the door, and went down the stairs to find a naked Lynn, and a passed out bloody Aun. "That asshole!" I quickly helped Lynn up, and didn't look at her body, and took of my shirt and gave it to her. Don't worry I had a tank top. "Lynn you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She shook her head, her whole body shaking, I looked at her legs and arms and they were covered with bruises. Along with her cheek, "Fuck!" He fucking raped her! God damn it I hope he had fucking butt sex with the devil, littlefucker. I looked over at my sister, and she had cuts over her arms. I untied her, and carried her in my arms. I felt for a pulse, and it was there, but it was faint. I told Emily to hold Lynn's hand and we got the fuck out of there, got in my car, and went to the hospital.

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