Chapter 16

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Aun's P.O.V.

"-And that is why I hate school." Damon sighed, slightly tired of all the talking he's been doing for the past hour. I just grunted, pretending I was listening- when really I was thinking about Lynn. When we woke up this morning, we smiled at each other and after she took a shower, I did also. I slightly smiled thinking about her, and the night before. An image of Lynn came to mind, making me smile more. Her eyes are so beautiful, her smile, laugh. Everything. All of sudden, a hand washes away my image of Lynn and a voice started saying my name. "Yo! Aun? You aight there man?" I snapped back to reality, pouting slightly that I wasn't with my- what? No. She's not mine. I can't be with her. She'll get hurt. I turned to Damon, "Dame, I need you to sla-" All I heard was a loud smack, and pain came from my right cheek. I held my now probably bruised cheek, and looked at my brother- shocked. Fear, amusement flashed through his eyes but it quickly vanished as soon as it came. "Okay One. Ow. Two. Ow. Three-" I raised my hand and slapped him. He did the same I did, and caressed his cheek. I laughed, while he glared at me- obviously in pain. I smirked, looking back up at the board waiting for lunch to start.

I decided to smoke outside for a little, feeling bored and didn't want to eat that disgusting cafeteria lunch. Damon and some of our "friends" are somewhere in the woods doing who knows what. Out of nowhere, josh appeared in my mind, he hasn't been at school. I shrugged, deciding he isn't worth my time. That ship sailed a long time ago. After Rose..I didn't give a shit about anyone. I sighed, throwing my cigarette on the ground, stepping on it as I walked back to school.
I bumped into Lynn on the way. "Aun? Have you been ignoring me?" I smirked, deciding to mess with her. "Oh no, I just don't feel like talking to you." She gasped, I stifled a laugh, before she started yelling at me, I pulled her close to me and kissed her. She pushed me, glaring. "What the hell Aun?" I chuckled pulling her close to me, hugging her. "Lynn i was kidding." All she did was sigh, and called me an idiot. I replied very cheesy. "You still love me." She didn't reply after that, making me smile and tightly hug her.

After school was over, me and Lynn went to my place.
Lynn was pretty shocked to see my room. I guess you could say it was "Emo." I hate that 'word', but that's how some people would call it. "Wow..uh this is pretty cool." I snorted, thinking she doesn't mean it. "Lynn its fine if you don't like it." She walked over to my signed poster of black veil brides where Andy Biersack wrote a note to me. "Aun..aun.. B-Black veil brides!" I stared at her, not knowing she knew them. "You know em'?" She turned, nodding excitedly. I admit, I was a little shocked she knew the most amazing band in the world. "Yes, I finally found good music." She nodded, looking at her phone. I saw her smile, a stinging feeling came up in my chest, leaving me confused. "Who are you texting?" She glanced up at me amused. "Why? You jealous?" She smirked but laugh as I gave her the finger. "Its my friend legacy." Ooh yeah. I knew her. Well I mean I had a fling with her for a while...What? The girl is good in bed, and I get horny. A lot. She quickly texted her back, and put her phone on my desk that I had. I heard her gasp, I looked over expecting to see blood, or any signs of her being hurt, but she was looking at my wall. She ran over to it, looking at the painting I did of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' "Aun. You're seriously badass. This is so cool. Did you make this?" She traced the clouds - which were tricky to paint by the way - and then the hill Jack was on. I nodded, "Yea." I replied, monotone. I walked over to the bed, and sat down messing with a stuffed jack that Rose gave me. I sighed, remembering when she was still alive. I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jerk away. "Sorry, but are you okay?" Lynn sat down next to me, face filled with concern. I felt uncomfortable, which was un- normal, I flinched away not liking the sudden spot light. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about my past. Her. She's in the past. She sighed, "Aun. Please tell me, I'm here for you." I have to trust Lynn, and I kind of want her to know.. I turned towards her, holding both of her hands. "Lynn..I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise to stay and not walk out. " Lynn hesitated, but eventually agreed. I shakily let out a sigh, all of the memories coming in all at once. "Lynn, a few years ago..there was this girl..Rose. And well I liked took me a while to realize I did, but eventually we ended up dating. Everything was fine. I was happy. She was happy." I paused, making sure I could continue, Lynn showed no emotion on her face, she nodded for me to continue on. "I was in a gang. My boss, he's my father, I do whatever he says. He abused me when i was younger." Lynn had tears in her eyes, she squeezed me hand, her face drowned I'm sympathy. "Rose never knew.. I didn't want her too. I was afraid she would leave me, but I regretted not telling her. Her cousin-" I paused, I didn't know if I should say his name. I decided not too, "- He didn't like me, we hated each other. Saying I wasn't good enough, of course Rose would get angry and tell him off." I chuckled, remembering when she smacked him, and called him an asshole in Spanish. Lynn smiled, giggling. I smiled back, "Rose was smart. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Stubborn as hell though, she was nice to anyone she met." I laughed, "People always said she looked like Ashely Benson." Lynn giggled, but my smile faltered, the day she found out that I was in deep shit, was the day she died. I chocked back a sob, "One day, I talked back to my boss. I didn't sell enough drugs, and apparently I was being a bitch. And he hated me, never knew why. I walked off to walk around, and a couple of hours later I went to Rose's house. I knocked on the door several times before I became worried. I picked the lock, calling out her name to see if she would answer." I took a deep breathe, "I heard a vase smash, and I ran upstairs to see what's going on. Her bedroom door was" Tears started falling, "Rose was on the floor, drowning in her own blood, I ran over to her. She was stabbed multiple times, and she had a gun wound. Me and her knew she wouldn't make it, but I was telling her she would be okay." A few tears landed on my lap, from Lynn crying. I sniffled. "She died in my arms, her family, friends balmed me for her death. I do too. If I was there,if I didn't talk back, if I would have told her.. She would be alive." I flinched back, scooting away from Lynn. I looked at my hands, rose dying played over, and over in my head. "I fell into a deep depression. I started harming myself. I tried killing myself multiple times, failing. Dame was there, he would make sure I ate, because anorexia got to me too. I was isolated, I didn't speak. I was a mess without her." Lynn was sobbing at this point, I dried my tears. I don't cry anymore. I can't. I have to stay strong, being weak gets you dead. "But then you came along..Lynn you make me feel happy. You make me smile, Lynn..can you please be my girlfriend? I already mended my heart, maybe you can help me fully be better. Lynn looked up, her gaze making me nervous. God I haven't been this nervous since I asked out Rose. Lynn got up, and hugged me tightly. "Yes." I sighed deeply, a tiny voice popped up in my head. 'Make sure she doesn't die. Watch her. You failed the last time. Wouldn't want her to commit suicide right?'

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