Chapter 14

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*Aundraya's P.O.V.*
I was in a living room, a fancy one matter of fact. There was a couch on the far right corner, it was a cream color. There was several other furniture, and a fireplace with Christmas decorations around it. I looked around confused. All of sudden I hear children laughing and a girl and boy came running in, "Mommy!" The girl and boy ran up to me, hugging me. They were adorable. The girl had light brown hair, with blue sky eyes. The boy had black hair with dark brown eyes, they both smiled at me and tugged my skinny jeans. "Mommy! Other mommy said to come here!" I just nodded, still confused. They giggled and took my hand, leading me upstairs. We came to a brown door, the opened the door letting go of my hand and running to a women who was sitting on the bed. From the back, she looked beautiful. The kids pointed at me, and the women turned around. I was surprised to see an older version of Lynn staring at me. "Honey, can you please try and not leave your clothes all over the floor?" I stared, shocked. Lynn was so gorgeous, well she always was but you know what I mean. Her blonde hair was now lightish brown color. Her eyes..they I heard her beautiful laugh, "Aun? You okay?" I nodded, still staring at the angel in front of me. The kids wandered off, leaving me and Lynn in the room alone. She walked over, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I was confused at first, but I kissed back with more force than needed. She giggled against my lips, making me smile. Sadly, she pulled back, making me frown. She stared at me, I was going to towards to hold her hand, when she started screaming. She was suddenly on the floor, bleeding and we weren't in the room. We were in some sort of torture room, I try to run to Lynn, who was screaming my name, but I couldn't. I heard horrible laughing, "Aun, you should have listened. Now she's going to end up as Rose." The man laughed again, and Lynn stopped screaming. I could move again, and I ran over to Lynn. Tears fell down my face as her breathing stopped. Images of rose popped up, her scream, the blood,everything. I screamed and everything turned black.
I gasped, and ran to the bathroom. I gripped the ends of the sink thinking of the dream. Rose. Lynn. Blood. My head was dizzy, and vomit came up making me go towards the toilet.
After I was finished, I sat on the ground, think about her. Rose was everything. Her smile..her laugh. Her sarcastic, but mean/funny comments. When she smiles, its like the world stops and stared for a while. She was so amazing, very smart. Rose was going to be a psychologist, she was always good of listening to others, making them smile when they needed it. Rose know how to get under my skin, knew when I needed a hug, kiss, when she NEEDED to be there for me. I fucked it up, if if I would have left her alone, she would still be alive. I miss her so much, I looked up at the ceiling, tears falling down my face. "Rose..I'm so fucking sorry." I managed to whisper out. I wrapped my arms around my legs, putting my head down, and started sobbing. Not caring about anything, or anyone was around me. Kind of like how I felt every time I looked at Rose. She was my beautiful girlfriend, soon to be wife.

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