Chapter 19

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*Aun's P.O.V.*
A few days have pass since the whole me and Lynn got in an argument. Ever since she was in that..little closet with Josh, she's been acting strange. I tried asking her about it, but she just pushes me away. I'm still upset about her thinking I would hit her..I've spent my childhood getting hit, and ignored. Why would I make someone I love feel like that? "Aun? You okay sis?" I looked over a Dame, his eyes showing concern for me. I weakly nodded, not in the mood to talk. He sighed, and frowned at me. "Auuunn cheer up! Do you want to watch frozen!?" I looked over at him, I stared at him for awhile before shaking my head no. He pouted, but I ignored it and turned around to my phone that was currently playing "White Noise" by PVRIS. Honestly, if I could, I would do anything to meet the lead singer, Lynn. Crazy that my girlfriend and my favorite band's singer has the same name. "Baby it's hard to be just what you need when all I speak is static screams.." It seems when I try and speak to Lynn, she just ignores me and acts like I'm speaking a different language. I sighed, and skipped the song, making an Asking Alexandria song come on. "HELL YEA! MY SHIT!" Damon practically screamed in my ear. I gave him a glare, as he started growling with the song. I reached over - because he was sitting next to me on the bed- and pushed him off making him shriek and me laugh. "Ow sis, what was that for?" I laughed, "For being an annoying bro." He just smiled at me, and got up to hug me. "Thanks for being here Damon." His grip tightened, "anything for you sis." I smiled. I can always count on Damon.

I. Want. To. Die. Devil kill Mr now. Please just take- " LET IT GOOOOO! LET IT GOOOOO!" I covered my ears, hoping he would stop! But to no avail, as he continued. "THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY!!!!!" Damon flicked his emo hair and pucked his lips. I stared at him, wondering if I could make him see a psychologist. He looked at me, and started laughing. I remained the same, just wondering if I should get up and leave. "I'm gonna go pee." I nodded, and he walked out the door. We have door in the living room, and it connect either to my room, and his room. Few second later, I hear a knock. "Aun? Do you want to build a snowman? Come on let's go and play, I never see you anymore! Come out the door its like you gon awaaay!" Oh god, no!! I put my face in my hands groaning. "We used to he best buddies, but now we're not-" "DAMON! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he continued, "I WISH YOU WOULD TELL ME WHHHYY! DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN!??!" I groaned but decided to go along before he throws a DGBF. A DGBF is a 'Damon gay bitch fit.' "Go away Damon!" I heard him sigh, "otay byye." I felt bad, which made me feel weird since we were fucking around. He came out of his room, and smiled at me. "What the hell Damon?" He shrugged. I laughed, and turned the TV off. "Awwwwwh Aun whhhhy?" I groaned, and told him it was time to go to sleep. He crossed his arms over his chest, "nu!" I sighed, and dragged him towards his bed. "Dame if you go to sleep, I'll take you to the store tomorrow to buy whatever toy you want." His eyes lit up, "okay!" And he automatically fell asleep. I chuckled, and went to my room to sleep.

*Next day*
~Lynn's P.O.V.~

"Lynn? Honey? We need to talk." I groggily got up from bed, and opened my door to see my 'mom.' "What?" She frowned, and walked over to my bed to sit down. "I got a call from your school, and they said that you haven't been attending some classes? Is everything okay?" I cursed under my breath, and crossed my arms. Sighing, "I'm not in the mood right now. Can't we just talk later?" I rolled my eyes, and walked to my closet to get ready for school. I heard her sigh, " can we please just talk? I need-" I growled, "GO AWAY! I don't need you watching me all the damn time! You're not even my REAL mom! Your husband isn't even my REAL dad!" I yelled frustrated with my guardian. Her eyes swelled with tears, she lightly nodded. "Okay honey..have a nice day." She croaked out, and walked out of my room. I let out a shaky breath, guilt spreading through my body. 'Well that went well.' I sighed, "ugh. Not you again." 'Oh hush slut.' I ignored the voice, and decided on a Carl Grimes crop top, with a skull skirt and some black vans.

After my shower, I saw that I was 10 minutes late for school. I shrugged and decided to do my makeup/hair. I did a little "grunge" style makeup, with light pink bubblegum lipstick. My hair, I decided to do loose curls. I unplugged my phone, and I already missed 2 period. I grabbed my backpack, and went to school.

"Nice for you to join us Lynn." I shrugged, and went to my seat, Aun smiled at me. "Hey Lynn. You" I looked over at her, "thanks." I started taking down notes, while Aun was staring at me. I sighed getting annoyed, "What?" She averted her eyes, "Nothing. You okay?" I shrugged, not really wanting to talk to anyone. She sighed, "okay.." Aun went on her phone, and started texting someone on Kik. I turned towards the teacher, who was currently explaining the homework. "Remember to do the fill in homework for the Civil war. If more than one day late, you will get detention." Finally the bell rang, and everyone got up to go to their next class. Aun stopped me, "Lynn what's wrong? Why have you been ignoring me?" I sighed, "I haven't..I've just been thinking and dealing with stuff." She frowned and grabbed my hand. "Lynn, I'm sorry. I'm here for you. I love you." I slightly smiled, "thanks Aun. I love you too." We hugged, and she walked me to my next class, and every other after that.

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