Chapter Three

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I yawned then got out of bed. I walked over to the kitchen and slowly started to eat breakfast. I wasn't about to skip breakfast for some stupid mission. After eating I went to get ready. After I got dressed, Kakashi was already waiting at the door for me. "Good morning, Kakashi."

"I'm your sensei, not just Kakashi." He informed me.

"Mmhm, whatever the fuck you say Kakashi. Let's go, we're late." I said as I walked out the front door. When we arrived at the designated area, Naruto and Sakura yelled at us. "You're late, Kakashi-sensei, Ami."

"Sorry, a black cat crossed our way and we had to take the long way. Right, Ami?" Kakashi asked. I just nodded my head. He started explaining the rules, but I blocked him out. I saw Zetsu out in the distance and I smiled at him. Ignoring Kakashi, I walked off towards Zetsu.

"Did daddy order you to stalk me or are you worried about me?" I asked.

"Pein asked us to spy on you. Just to make sure you're not kissing any boys like Hidan taught you." He explained. 

"Hmm, too late. I already planted kisses on Kakashi. I thought I'd try to get information out of him like I tried 5 years ago, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong." I said, pondering why he never spoke any secrets like the girls Hidan-nii kissed.

"That technique doesn't work on people like him. They have to be the type that will betray people." Zetsu said. "Do you want us to get you a bell?"

"No, you'll get discovered." I turned back to look at Kakashi. He had just defeated Sasuke, and Naruto and Sakura were already taken out of the game. I sighed. "Looks like it's my turn. I'll catch you later Zetsu." I walked over to Kakashi and stood in front of him. "Before I get serious, I'll just ask. Can I have a bell, Kakashi?"

"As much as I'd like to say yes, no you cannot." Kakashi said and I pouted.

"Fine, I guess. I'll fight for one." I stuck my hand out. "Universal pull." Kakashi flew towards me and I grabbed a bell. "Almighty push." Kakashi was sent flying. I smirked and held out a bell in front of him. "Well that was fucking easy." Just then the bell rang and we sat where the KIA stone was. Naruto was tied to a stomp and Kakashi said, "I decided that I am not going to send neither of you back to the academy."

"So does that mean we pass?" Naruto asks. Him and Sakura start cheering. 

"No, it means that I am permanently dropping you from the program." Kakashi says. Sasuke gets mad and tries to attack him, but Kakashi ends up sitting on Sasuke and continues talking. "Sakura, you only cared about Sasuke when there was Naruto you could have helped. Naruto, you attacked straight on and fell for the easiest traps. A ninja must see through deception. Sasuke, you thought everyone was so beneath you that you did everything by yourself. And Ami, I'll talk to you later. The key to this exercise was teamwork." He takes a kunai and put it to Sasuke's neck. "Sakura kill Naruto, if not, I'll kill Sasuke. Ami, if Sakura fails kill her." 

I smirk and pull out a kunai to Sakura neck. "Are you sure you want me to do that Kakashi? Because me and you both know I will." I peer into Sakura's face. "You're an annoying little bitch, but I'm pretty sure you'll make a great sacrifice to Jashin-sama." 

"I'm going to give you another chance after lunch. None of you feed Naruto, got it?" Kakashi said then grabbed my wrist and we teleported into a tree. "What was that?" He asked.

"I've decided that I'm not going to be a lowly ninja. I'm going into the ANBU corp." I stood up from the tree and jumped down. "Later Kakashi!" Being an ANBU will allow me to get into classified information a lot easier. I stormed into the Hokage's office. "Hey, old man. I want to be an ANBU." He sighed.

"Ami, being in the ANBU corp is harder then you think." Third Hokage said.

"Well, at least let me try!" I exclaimed. 

"Fine, fine. Follow me." We entered the ANBU corp building and the Hokage handed me off to a guy in a mask. "This is Ami. I'm testing her to become an ANBU." The masked man nodded his head and gestured for me to follow. We entered this ring type place and he got into a fighting position.

"Alright kid, the rules are simple. When we fight until one of us in unable to fight. If I kill you then it must have not been meant to be." He stated.

"And if I kill you?" I asked.

He just seemed to laugh it off. "Like that'll happen, but to say if you did then you'd become head of the ANBU corp." He stated. I laughed to myself. I was raised by S-ranked criminals; not to mention the leader of a dangerous organization is my father. They taught me everything I know. There's no way I'll lose. "Began!"

I held out my hand towards him and brought out my sword. "Universal pull." His body flew towards me and before he could do anything about it, my sword pierced his heart. I dropped his limp body to the ground. I walked back to the Hokage and smirked. "I win." The ANBU people that were watching the match bowed to me. Someone brought me a mask and I put it on. "Looks like I'm head of the ANBU corp." I stated. "Well, call if you need anything!" I teleported back to Kakashi's house before they could tell me anything. 

He was reading one of his pervy books when I can home. "Hey, Kakashi." 

"How'd it go?" He asked, not looking away from his book.

"I'm head of the ANBU corps, now." He looked up from his book and noticed I was wearing the head of ANBU mask. "Well, I'm going to bed. I got a lot of leader business tomorrow." With that said, I left to my bedroom and fell asleep.

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