Chapter Seven

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-Ami POV-

I woke up the next morning, body completely sore. I groaned as I got out from the bed. Kakashi wasn't here, luckily. Then I thought back to the conversation we had last night. Because I didn't move, I could get pregnant. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. I gripped the sheets roughly and laid on the bed, in a fetal position, bawling my eyes out. Daddy was right. I was too young, but I went against him anyway. Even though he'd be furious, I need my daddy. I teleported back to the base and went straight to his bedroom. He was still sleeping in his bed when I busted the door open. I jumped onto the bed, hugging him tightly, crying my eyes out.

I felt him move in the bed, pulling me into a loving embrace. "What's the matter?" He asked. His voice was so full of concern and worry.

"I'm so sorry, daddy. You were right!" I cried. I felt his body stiffen. He knew exactly what I was talking about. 

-Pein POV-

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard and felt Ami climb into my bed, crying. She was hugging me tightly and I knew something was wrong. Ami hardly ever cried, so I knew something was extremely wrong. I sat up and pulled my only daughter in a loving embrace. "What's the matter?" I asked. I was genuinely worried for my child. The one I promised to protect 14 years ago. 

"I'm so sorry, daddy. You were right!" She cried. My body stiffen. I knew exactly what she was talking about. I might be the notorious leader of a criminal organization, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to give my baby girl a happy life. I led a life without my parents to watch over me and I didn't want that for my little girl. 

I hugged her tightly once more, "Tell me what happened." So she explained. From the point to where she ran out of my office to the events that led up to the unfortunate event. I didn't think she'd actually go through with it so I never gave it a second thought. She never went against my word before so I trusted her to not do it, but what's done is done. I sighed and comforted my only child. I let a single tear drop from my eye. There was no way I was going to let her go, now that I know she could get pregnant. I hugged her tighter. Her breaths became steady and her body went limp. I smiled then tucked her in. "Zetsu." I called. 

He came out of the wall, "Yes?" I went over to my desk and wrote a note.

'Kakashi, my daughter explained what happened. I'm taking her back. She's clearly not safe in your hands. Don't look for her. -The Akatsuki.' 

I handed Zetsu the note. "Take it to Kakashi." He was then off. I glanced back at my daughter. "That's right. I couldn't protect you from losing your innocence then, but daddy's here now and he's not letting you go." I whispered. I left my bedroom and called for a meeting. We all gathered in the meeting room; me being the last to arrive. 

"What's going on, Pein?" Konan asked.

I grimaced at the memory. "I want everyone to keep an eye on Ami. She's not to leave this base without an escort, got it?" They all nodded their heads. "Good, you're all dismissed." 

-Ami POV-

I woke up from my nap and immediately noticed Deidara staring at me intensely. I sat up and starred at him. "Uh...hey, Dei." 

"Hey, un." He replied.

"Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"No reason, hm. Just wondering why you're sleeping in leader-sama's room, yeah." He answered. I decided to ignore antics and go into the living room, with Deidara staring at the back of my head. As I entered all the members of the Akatsuki, including my father, just stared at me; watching my every move. Knowing my father, he probably ordered all the members to keep an eye on me. I sighed in my head then sat down on the couch with Itachi. I laid my head on his lap and I felt my father giving Itachi a death stare. I sigh once again. This is going to be one long ass day.

-Kakashi POV-

I was on my way home from a meeting with the Hokage about the chunin exams. Since Ami was head of the ANBU corps, she needed to be a proctor. I unlocked my front door and noticed the house was unusually quiet. I set my keys on my coffee table and noticed a note. I picked it up.

'Kakashi, my daughter explained what happened. I'm taking her back. She's clearly not safe in your hands. Don't look for her. -The Akatsuki'

I dropped the note and sat on the couch, sighing. This was going to be hard to explain to the Hokage. I rubbed my temples, hoping to stop the oncoming headache. This was starting to become a pain in my ass. Her father was going to kill me and if he didn't, the village would. I am totally screwed either way I see it. 'Wait...Ami's father is in the Akatsuki?!'

'The will of fire or Ami?' 

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