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This is an important update:

This is an update for everyone around the world. For all my readers. For my friends. For my family. For my fellow human beings. But most importantly, for those who lost their lives, their loved ones, their friends, their family in Paris, France. I want everyone reading this to take a moment of silence to mourn those who lost their lives to the attacks of ISIS. Not only those in Paris, but EVERYONE who was killed by the hands of ISIS. We're all part of one world. Granted, we may not all like each other, but being us; being a person. Being through certain situations, we can all understand each other. I may not know what's going on through your head and I may not understand the feelings of what you're feeling, but I know someone out there knows. They might be going through a similar situation that you're going through. We've been hit hard by this terrorist attack, but I want to make a statement and I want everyone to pass this statement around.

"We Will Live Strong!"My definition of this statement means: You can push us and keep pushing us, but we will not back down. We WON'T back down. We're strong willed. If we get pushed down; we'll just stand right back up. And if any ISIS member is reading this: "You may have won the battle, but we will win the war."

For those who've lost their lives to ISIS: Your deaths will not be in vain. We, the people, will avenge you. You died an honorable death. Do not worry about your loved one here on earth.
For those who've lost their loved ones to ISIS: My condolences. ISIS had no right to end your loved one's life early. I want you to know, you're not alone. Someone else out there lost someone too. We must stand strong. Don't break. You're a strong person.


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