Chapter Eleven

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-Ami POV-

"HI! Tobi is Tobi!" An idiot screamed as he pranced around the Akatsuki base. "You must be Deidara-senpai, my new partner!" Laughing slightly, I tried to etch this moment in my mind forever. After Sasori's death, I realized I should cherish moments like these. 

"Ami, Tobi, my office." Narrowing my eyes, I followed the goof ball to my father's office. "Ami, this is Madara. Madara, this is my daughter Ami." From the hole of Tobi's mask, I could see the bright sharingan eye. As if on instinct, my rinnegan activated, which made Tobi -Madara- take a step back. 

"Sorry," I apologized. "I still don't have control over these eyes." Closing my eyes for a bit, I regained control then reopened them. "You must have a good reason if you're wanting to keep your identity a secret from the rest of the Akatsuki. No worries, we all have our secrets. I won't tell yours if you don't tell mine." I smiled. Dismissing myself, I returned to the main room with the rest of the Akatsuki members. "Let's go, Kakuzu, we have a mission to complete." Zipping up my Akatsuki cloak, I walked out of the base with confidence.

-Tobi POV-

I stared at Ami as she left the base with Kakuzu. I never would've imagined that she'd inherit the rinnegan from Pein. Ami... I am going to have to keep an eye on her.

~Timeskip -Ami POV-

"You're going to get killed if you keep going for the big name bounties." I warned Kakuzu as he was proceeding to leave the base with Hidan. 

"Running this group is expensive." Kakuzu stated. "When you can provide for this group, let me know." Glaring at him, I allowed him to leave the base in peace. I swear when he comes back, I am SO kicking his ass. Laying back on the couch, I stared up at the ceiling. 

"You look bored." I heard Itachi comment from the edge of the couch. 

"This is the Akatsuki. There's always work to be done." I replied, "I am simply resting for an upcoming battle." 

"Which battle would that be?" Itachi asked as he sat next to me. 

"A battle in the near future." I answered as I looked at him. "We're S-ranked criminals, we're always in a constant battle." With that said, I left to train outside. Feeling the rain against my skin felt great. "Shadow clone jutsu!" I summoned 3 clones and began to battle myself. As much as I'd like to say I was strong, I wasn't. I always proclaimed to myself that I'd succeed in destroying the Leaf yet the way I am now, I wouldn't even be able to beat a single ninja. Dodging an attack, I glared at myself. I must be really weak if I'm having a hard time defeating myself. "ALMIGHTY PUSH!" I screamed as my clones were blown away from myself. "Weak." I scoffed as I stood up straight. 

As the days went on, the more irritated I became. I couldn't place my finger on it exactly, but I felt restless. No matter how much I asked, I was never allowed on any missions. Hell, no one was; except Zetsu. However, his only mission was to spy on us. For some reason my father insisted we all stay in the base, at least until Hidan and Kakuzu came back. Going back out into the rain for the 20th time of the week, I continued to train. Everyday, I'd create more clones to fight with than the last. Today, I was fighting 8 clones at once; 1v8. I figured my training method wasn't the best, but I didn't want to bother any of the members to help with training. "Ami," I heard Zetsu call from behind me. "Kakuzu and Hidan have died in battle against the Leaf." Releasing the 5 clones, I had left, I turned to face the plant man. Without another word, I walked off into the distance, away from the base.

Taking a deep breath, I ran down the familiar path outside the village. I kept running, never looking back to the place I called home. With each step I took, I knew I was getting close. With each step, I could feel my heart beating so fast and so hard that it felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. My feet felt as lead, however I kept running. No matter how uneasy I felt, I kept running. Yes, I kept running because I had my own mission. From the distance, I could see the large green gates. Gates I hadn't seen since I was a child. The gates I despised. Narrowing my eyes, I disappeared into the trees, careful to suppress my chakra so it wasn't noticeable. Searching the village high and low, I finally found the man I had been searching for. He was sleeping peacefully in a hospital room, injured. Most likely from the two men he had faced. Entering the room, I was quiet as to not wake him. His gravity defying white hair was not a strand out of place. It was me relieved yet angry because he was fine. He wasn't dead. Why did my brother have to die yet he got to live. Grabbing a kunai, I walked towards his bed. Each step I took I could feel my stomach tightening. Nervousness engulfed my body. As I reached his bed, I was about to plummet my kunai in his chest yet I ran. His eyes had snapped open, but before he could see me, I was gone. "Sorry, Kakashi." I whispered from a tree outside the hospital. "Looks like you get to live another day." Cough slightly, I left the Hidden Leaf village. 

-Kakashi POV-

Snapping my eyes open, I looked around my hospital room. There was no one in here yet I felt a strong killing intent. So strong it had my body in goosebumps. Getting out of bed, I looked out the nearby window. No one was out yet, although it was brief, I could've sworn I saw Ami in the trees. Shaking my head, I decided to go back to bed. It had been years since I last saw her. My student who I've known since she was young. A student who had deceiving me; us. However, the night we shared together, she genuinely looked innocent. She was real. She wasn't deceiving me or anyone else. She truly was a child who went over her head that night. "Ami, I miss you." I said aloud. "I love you..."

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