Chapter Five

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-Ami POV-

A week had passed and I never went back to Kakashi and the others. I felt Zabuza get out of bed. I opened one eye and noticed he was getting dressed. "Fuck, already?" I asked, stretching.

"Yea, I'm fully healed." He put on his pants then called out, "Haku, let's go." He turned to me. "Are you coming?"

"No, I don't want to be involved in this fight. I'll wait for you when you get back." I said then cuddled up in his blankets. For the past week, I've been lazying around. Zabuza's bed was comfortable; I never wanted to get up. I flicked on the TV and started watching a movie. After that, I watched anther one. It had been a few hours and Zabuza wasn't back yet. I got out of bed, finally, and got dressed. I rushed out of the hideout; towards the bridge. I arrived, just in time, to see Kakashi carry Zabuza to Haku's dead boy. "ZABUZA!" I screamed. I rushed over to his side.

"Ami, baby, don't cry." He wiped a tear from my eye. "I love you, Ami, Haku." He said slowly.

I grabbed his hand. "Hold on, Zabuza, I'll save you." He just shook his head and pulled me down to his chest. I heard his heart starting to fade.

"I don't want to live if Haku isn't here with me." He held me in an embrace. "Remember your training. Don't show your emotions." He held onto me until I heard his heart fade into nothing.

"I understand, Zabuza." I stated then got up. Kakashi looked at me shocked. I ignored him and reached for a kunai. Kakashi looked at me skeptically. At top speed, I rushed over to Gato's gang. It was hard fighting all of them by myself. I felt a sharp pain pierce my heart. I looked down to see a sword piercing me. I fell, face first, letting the darkness consume me.

-Kakashi POV-

I saw Ami started crying over Zabuza and this made me feel kinda jealous. She was with him for the past week and I felt betrayed for some reason. "I understand, Zabuza." I heard her say. I look at her shocked. I had an idea of what she was going to do, but I was too shocked to do anything about it. I noticed her grab a kunai and that there proved my suspicions correctly. I tried to move my legs to stop her, but she was too fast. She had ran off towards Gato's gang. While she was fighting, a ninja got behind her and stabbed her heart through her back. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes. I rushed over to her and picked her up. She opened her eye, to look at me, then the sword. "Ah, fuck." She stated. "This is fucking perfect. I just had to be fucking immortal." I dropped her when she said she was immortal.

"Ow, what the fuck, Kakashi!" She pulled out the sword then waved her hands in front of my face. "Hey, Kakashi, I need to think about this by myself, okay? I'll see you at home." I snapped out of my trance and went to stop her, but she was already gone.

-Ami POV-

I arrived at the Akasuki's base and went straight to Hidan's room. He was in the middle of fucking some bitch. I pulled her by the hair then sacrificed her to Jashin-sama. "Hidan-nii, I'm immortal." He looked at me then himself. I followed his movements then looked down at his 'stick.' I felt my face grow red. I've seen him in his underwear plenty of times, but never naked. I screamed loudly, then ran to my father's office.

"Ami, what's wrong?" He asked, embracing me into a hug.

"My innocence was taken away." I stated, burying my face to chest.

"What happened?" Father asked.

"I saw Hidan-nii naked!" I shivered at the memory.

Father called for Hidan. He came in, fully dressed, but tried to run away when he saw me. "Not so fast, Hidan. How did my daughter see you naked?" Daddy asked.

"Well...I was doing my-" He cleared his throat. "manly needs, when Ami walked into my room stating she was fucking immortal."

"Is this true?" Daddy asked, surprised.

I nodded my head. I grabbed a kunai and stabbed my heart. It hurt like fuck, but, this time, I didn't faint. I pulled the kunai out and smiled at my father's and Hidan's shocked faces. "Dear Kami-sama, save my daughter from turning into a sex deranged Hidan." Daddy murmured.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Hidan yelled. He scoffed then walked out of the room. I rushed over to my daddy and sat on his lap. I had always said things hurt like fuck, but what does fuck even feel like?

"Hey, daddy, what does sex feel like?" I asked, innocently.

"'re too young to know!" Daddy said, clearly uncomfortable about the situation.

"Fine then, if you won't tell me, I'll just ask someone else." I grumbled. I jumped off his lap and left his office before he could stop me. Even though I was still petrified from seeing him naked, I walked into Hidan's room. "Oi, Hidan-nii, what does sex feel like?" I asked.

He almost choked on his own saliva when I asked. "It feels fucking amazing! Especially, when a girl is tight." Hidan answered, honestly. Luckily I knew what he was talking about. He was my brother and I've heard him talk about all his sex adventures with Kakuzu. I smirked when an idea came to mind.

"Hidan-nii, when could I have sex?" I asked.

"Never! You're not allowed." Daddy answered. I turned my head and saw him at the doorway. I smiled wickedly then disappeared in a puff of smoke. I teleported to my room in Kakashi's house. I entered his bedroom and noticed he was laying in bed reading that book again. I rubbed my hands together, evilly, as I approached his bed. I climbed on top of him and he sat up. I removed his mask and started to kiss him. He kissed back, almost immediately, but we had to break apart for air.

"Hey Kakashi, have sex with me." I said then smiled at him.

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