LGBT - Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans

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I know this isn't an update, but I feel like this is something that needs to be said. If this is a sensitive topic for you then you don't have to read it, but at least hear me out. I am straight so I don't understand the hardships that you are going through, but I do have friends that are homosexual (and one trans) and I see what they go though and it hurts because I am their friend and as a friend, I want my friends to be happy.

For those who are religious or homophobic, let me ask you this: What's so scary? They are people, they bleed the same blood you do, they have religion's like you do, they function as a human like you do, they have feelings like you do. They're the same! Just like you, they were given birth by another human being. Just like you, they were given the same human parts like you. They're not some monsters that you were scared of when you were a child. They're human too and I think that's what people are failing to realize.

This discrimination that's going around needs to stop. It isn't right to deny someone because of their sexuality! That's taking away basic HUMAN rights. I created this group for everyone who supports LGBT and I'd appreciate it if you joined so you can help other members and raise awareness to other's that they're not alone. Be warned though, I will NOT tolerate any haters amongst the group. If you have something to say, say it to me personally. -- LGBT Support group!!

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