Chapter Four

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 I got up then got dressed in ANBU clothing. I teleported myself to the ANBU corp building and started looking through some papers. I started barking out orders on stuff that needed to be done then left to the Hokage's building. When I entered, the third assigned Team 7 on a mission to the land of waves. 

"I'll be joining them on this mission." I stated. 

"That won't be necessary, but if you insist on going then go ahead." The Hokage said. 

"Badass!" I said. A drunken guy came in and started insulting Naruto about his height. I started laughing as he did. I climbed out the Hokage's window and rushed back to Kakashi's house. I packed a bag full of clothes, bandages, and ninja tools. This mission was going to be fun. I just knew it. I escaped the house and waited by the gate for everyone to come. When everyone arrived, we were off. I spotted a puddle and flew off to a tree, concealing my chakra. I watched as the battle took place. I knew Kakashi could handle this battle. 

When it was over I jumped down from the branch and started walking with them again. "Where were you?" Sasuke asked. 

"Nowhere in particular." I smiled. 

~Sometime later

We got off the rowboat and Naruto started throwing kunai everywhere. I guess that attack with those hidden mist brothers must have scared him. He almost hit a bunny, but not just any bunny; a white one. Right there and then, I knew something was wrong. White bunnies are only out during winter and it was spring. I heard Kakashi shout, "DUCK!" Then I face-planted the ground. When I stood up I noticed there was a sword were our heads used to be. I immediately recognized the sword.

"Zabuza!!" His head shot up to my direction. He opened his arms up and I ran into them. "Zabuza! Zabuza. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." He started. "Your fa-" I cut him off when I pressed my lips against his, through his mask. 

I broke the kiss then whispered in his ear, "Shh, I'm on a mission." He nodded his head then tossed me in a tree. A pair of arms caught me and I knew it was Haku.

"I'll deal with you later, Ami! Stay out of this fight." He shouted. 

"It's nice to see you again, Ami." Haku said. 

I hugged Haku. "I've missed you so much. You need to visit more often." I said. 

For a while we talked about nothing in particular, but Zabuza was starting to lose. "Follow us to our hideout." I heard Haku say before he left to rescue Zabuza. When they were out of sight, I passed through Kakashi and the others, following Haku to their hideout. Upon entering, Haku and Zabuza were already there. I followed them to Zabuza's bedroom. Haku laid him on the bed and I cuddled next to Zabuza.

"So what's your mission?" Zabuza asked.

"I have to steal the village's secrets. After that father and I are going to destroy the hidden leaf village. I swear, they're so fucking annoying." I scoffed. "What about you? Why are you here?"

"This guy named Gato hired us to kill that bridge builder." Haku answered.

"Is it cool if I hang with you guys for a few days? I don't want to return to those hidden leaf bastards." I asked.

"Sure thing, kid." Zabuza said. I smiled and cuddled closer to him. He wrapped his around my waist and I soon fell asleep.

-Kakashi POV-

When I woke up, I noticed we were at Tazuna's house. I sat up from my bed then made my way towards the kitchen. No one was up yet so I went outside to get some fresh air. I sat on a branch and started to read my book, but my mind wasn't in reading. I was thinking back to my fight with Zabuza. I grimaced at the thought of Ami kissing Zabuza. They obviously knew each other, but how? Then it hit me, she was kidnapped by the Akatsuki. I had totally forgot about that. 

Those Akatsuki members did something to her. She's a lot different from the first time I met her. She's stronger and a lot more merciful. I thought back to the introductions: she was about to say that she was going to destroy the hidden leaf village.

~Flashback -3rd person POV-

Kakashi had just brought Ami into the Hokage's office. "Lord third, we found this child in the Akatsuki base."

Ami just stuck out her tongue at the both of them. "Take me back! They'll fucking kill us all! Take me back!" Ami acted scared. She really just wanted to go back home. Back to all those S-ranked criminals.

"And who's they?" Kakashi asked.

She just faked laughed. "I can't tell! You'd have to torture me in order to get their names. Well, even if you did, I'd never fucking speak." She scoffed. "I was raised with S-ranked criminals, I'd never tell you shit."

The Hokage and Kakashi were stunned by her 'colorful' language. They have never heard a child speak like that. Then again she was raised by criminals. "Kakashi, I'm leaving her in your care. Keep an eye on her. We don't need her getting back into the Akatsuki's hands." The Hokage ordered.

"They will come for me! And when they do, they'll destroy this fucking village." Ami yelled. 

~End of Flashback -Kakashi POV-

The Akatsuki brainwashed her from a young age. Unfortunately, I don't think she was lying when she said that she'd destroy the village. I'm just scared she'd be killed in the process. I did a double-take; why would I be scared for a girl that's related to S-ranked criminals. Forget it, I need to worry about Zabuza. I should train my students, in case we face him again.

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