Chapter Ten

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~ 2 years later ~ -Ami POV- (18 years old)

Arising from my comfortable bed, I fished through my closet to grab my fabulous Akatsuki cloak. You know, the one with the red clouds. While I was technically a member of the Akatsuki back then, I was never permitted to wear a cloak as I was never allowed to actually go on life-threatening missions. Putting it on, I didn't bother zipping it as I left my bedroom. Placing one foot in front of the other, I could see Deidara and Sasori coming into my base with an unconscious young red-headed boy. "Ami," Sasori called as he spotted me. Deidara took the body and went into the extraction room. Sasori shed his Hiruko armor as he walked towards me. Roughly, he pinned me against the hallway wall. He linked his fingers with mine as he brought his face close to mine. I smirked as I closed the distance and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. "Welcome back, baby." I whispered. 

"Hey, Leader wants us..." Deidara paused as he noticed the position Sasori and I were in. Throughout the years, my father refused to allow me to go anywhere without an escort. During that time, I had gotten exceptionally close to Sasori. Other than Itachi, he was the most tolerable one. While we had no actual love connection to each other, we both enjoyed each other's company. "Ahem, I'll tell leader that you're busy!" Deidara ran off to the extraction room once again. 

"Idiot." Sasori mumbled before kissing me once more. His kisses were magical as he moved down to my neck, kissing all my sweet spots. "We'll continue this later." He growled as he picked up Hiruko and wore it once again. Rolling my eyes, I follow my lover. 

"You're late." My father stated as he stared hard at Sasori and I. Challenging his stare, I looked up at his holographic figure with a smirk of my own. Everyone took their places on their designated finger. As Orochimaru was no longer associated with the Akatsuki, I was unfortunate enough to take his spot on a thumb. "Sealing jutsu: ten phantom dragons." Narrowing my eyes, proceeded with the jutsu, pouring out my chakra to seat the tailed beast. For my father, I will ensure his dream of peace comes true.

"Might Guy is approaching." Zetsu stated as we were nearing the end of the 3rd day. 

"Who's that?" My father asked. 

"A Leaf operative." Itachi informed. Although I made sure it was hardly noticeable, my voice hitched slightly. I was trying hard to forget my days in the Leaf village. "He's not to be underestimated."

"Let me go." Hidan started, "Since I didn't find a tailed beast."

"No, let me go. I have history with him." Kisame voiced out.

"Kisame, go ahead." My father answered back.

"Ami, I am surprised you don't want to go. Considering you lived in the leaf village for a month." Kisame teased.

Glaring at him with all my might, I retorted, "I have no ties with that village anymore. I plan on destroying it the first chance I get. Now shut up, we have work to do." Growling that last part out, I poured more of my chakra into the jutsu, wishing for it to be over with as soon as possible. 

"Someone else is coming." Zetsu stated. 

"Now then, who should I send next." Father pondered aloud.

"This time it's my turn, without a doubt." Hidan stated.

"Another leaf shinobi." Zetsu continued. 

Growling slightly, I stomped my foot. "Those damn leaf bastards just keep fucking coming. Tch, Itachi! Go!" Without another word, Itachi went to go stop the leaf from advancing towards us. "Now the lot of you, pour your damn fucking chakra, let's get this shit finished already." Following my request, the rest of the members poured more of their chakra in. As hours progressed, we were finally finished. "Finally..." I whispered, laying on the floor to recuperate my lost strength. 

"They're here." Sasori stated. Smirking, Deidara sat on the poor kid's dead body. Standing up from my laying spot, I dusted myself off as I stood next to Sasori, waiting for the leaf nin. 

-Kakashi POV-

Jumping off the boulder, Sakura destroyed it with one hit. Following Naruto in, I was surprised to see her here. She opened her eyes to reveal her beautiful purple eyes. I hadn't seen her since that night. Feeling a tug at my heart, I tried to ignore she was even with the Akatsuki. "Ami..." I heard Naruto whisper. "HEY! Who do you think you're sitting on!?" Naruto yelled at the blonde member of the Akatsuki. "Hey, Gaara. Wake up! Stop messing around! GAARA! THAT'S IT!" Naruto threw a large shuriken at the blonde, but Ami simple grabbed it and destroyed it with her chakra coated hand. 

"That's enough, Naruto-kun." Ami stated. My heart struck when I heard her voice. It had been too long since I've last seen her. "Deidara, go." She ordered. The blonde, Deidara, summoned a large bird, which swallowed Gaara's body. 

"Yes, Princess!" Deidara mocked as he climbed upon the bird and flew out of the cave. 

"You bastard! Get back here with Gaara!" Naruto yelled as he followed him out of the cave. Glancing back at Ami, I could see her leaning up against the other member. Looking at her one last time, I followed my student out. 

-Ami POV-

I'll be honest. Seeing Kakashi brought a lot of mix feelings. However, just being near Sasori made those feelings feel irrelevant. "Stay out of this fight, Ami." Sasori told me as he neared his grandmother and Sakura. Looking at Sasori, I decided to comply with his demands. Calmly, I walked over to a boulder to mediate, to bring my chakra levels back up. 

"AMI!" I heard Sakura yell my name. Opening one eye, I looked at her to tell her I acknowledged her outburst. "Come back to the leaf village! Naruto misses you! I miss you! Kakashi misses you..." Closing my eye, I decided not to answer her. She obviously had no idea what she was talking about. 

~ A few moments later 

If I hadn't been here to witness it myself, I would've never believed it. Sasori had been defeated by Sakura and that old woman. Stepping off my faithful boulder, I approached the three. Chiyo and Sakura tensed as I got near. Sasori, however, just used his weird puppet body to turn his head 180 degrees. "Fine art is something wonderful that's left long into the future... eternal beauty. You are the eternal beauty, Ami." Grabbing hold of his porcelain face, I kissed his soft lips for the last time. 

"I shall say this. The next time we meet, Sakura, we will fight. And it'll be to the death." Turning around, I started walking out of the cave. "And I have no intention on losing." With that said, I disappeared from sight, transporting myself to the nearby forest so I can make the long journey to the hidden rain.

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