Chapter One

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-Pein POV-

Konan came in with a scroll in hand and I took it from her. She backed out of the room as I examined the scroll. Opening it up, I noticed it was a summoning scroll. I sighed then summoned whatever it was. After the smoke cleared, I noticed there was a sleeping 3-year-old child on my desk. There absolutely had to be a mistake. I looked inside the bag next to the child and noticed there was a note. I picked it up and began to read it.

'Pein, this is Ami. She's your daughter. If you're reading this then that means I didn't make it. Please take care of our baby. She's precious to me and she should be to you too. She is your flesh and blood after all. Love, Mari'

Somehow I knew she was mine, but I didn't want to believe it. I picked up the small child and cradled her close. She's my flesh and blood. I looked at her once more and felt myself get attached to the small child. She opened her eyes and I almost dropped her when I noticed her eyes. She had the rinnegan. Just like me. I smiled once more then put her back on my desk. I walked out into the living room. "I'm calling a meeting. Be in my office in 10." I stated then went back into my office.

The rest of the Akatsuki members got into my office relatively fast. I picked up my daughter once again and held her up, showing her to the other members. "This is Ami. She's the youngest and newest member of the Akatsuki. She's also my daughter, so be nice." I warned. I noticed the shock in their eyes, but paid no mind to it. I poked my daughter's soft cheek and she cuddled closer to me. There was no way, I'm letting anything happen to her. 

~8 years later~ -Ami POV-

"Hidan-nii, why the fuck do you kiss almost every girl in sight?" I asked. Since being raised in the Akatsuki, I picked up on somethings and I'm learning a lot everyday. Out of all the members, Hidan is my favorite and I consider him to be my big brother. He's always protecting me and teaching me the ways of Jashin. My dad doesn't approve, but after a few puppy dog eyes he lightened up on it. 

"Because that's how I get information." He answered. 

"So you get information by kissing people?" I asked.

"Yea, sure. Are you ready to pray to Jashin-sama?" Hidan asked. I nodded my head and started praying. After an hour of praying I went into the living room. Upon entering, a loud crash was heard and I whipped my head over to the crash. A few ninja's came into view and grabbed me. I screamed and all the members of the Akatsuki came running into the living room. 

"Give us the fucking kid!" Hidan-nii shouted. 

"No way, for all we know you could have kidnapped her." The ninja said. He ran out of the hideout, with me in his hands, all the way into an unknown village. He poofed us to an office and an old guy was sitting behind his desk. He looked up and his pipe fell.

"Kakashi, why do you have a child in your hands?" He asked. I looked up at the man and he seemed to cover his face and had one eye. His hair seemed to defy gravity and I wanted to touch it. I extended my hand and pet his head. He seemed surprised by my action, but he didn't pay attention to me. I hardly been here for a few minutes and I could tell that I wasn't going to like this village; at all. 

"She was in the Akatsuki's base. We have reasons to believe she was kidnapped by them." Kakashi stated then looked back at me. After a few hours of them talking, Kakashi was put in charge of watching over me and I was to be enrolled in some ninja academy. Daddy said I was already at a chunin level so I was strong, but I never knew what he meant until now. Kakashi took me to his house then set me down on his couch. He sat down as well and started to read some book. I crawled over to him then swiftly pulled down his mask. I placed my lips on him and he seemed even more shocked. He seemed frozen solid. I pulled away and frowned. 

"What am I doing wrong?" I asked myself. Kakashi was still frozen in shock. Concentrating hard, I managed to finally, and successfully, cast the Astral Projection jutsu. Appearing my father, along with the rest of the Akatsuki, they all seemed surprised to see me. "Two things," I started before anyone could say anything. "I am in the fucking Hidden Leaf village, come save me." Turning over to Hidan, I glared at him. "You lied to me! You said I could gain information if I kissed them, but all he did was freeze in shock! What am I doing wrong?" 

I could see my father stare hard at Hidan, but he had turned his attention to me. "You're not allowed to kiss anyone. We'll retrieve you when we can. For now, try to get as much information on the leaf as you can." With that, the jutsu broke as I didn't have enough chakra to maintain it.

-Pein POV-

I was absolutely furious that those leaf brats took my baby girl away from me. As I was pacing down the living room of our new hideout, my daughter's holographic figure showed up. I was surprised to see that she had managed to successfully cast it since she wasn't able to in the past.

"Hidan, what are you teaching my daughter?!" I yelled as soon as Ami disappeared. He gulped then turn tail to run, but I caught him before he could then started beating the shit out of him. I then turned to Zetsu. "Spy on her. Let's find a way to bring her back, and make sure she doesn't kiss anyone else."

-Ami POV-

I turned to, the still frozen, Kakashi. I crawled over to him and slapped his cheek. "My kisses aren't that bad." I stated. I jumped off his couch and went to find his bedroom. I could already feel that tomorrow was going to be a long day. I climbed into his bed, cuddled into his sheets, then fell asleep.

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