Chapter Two

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-Ami POV-

"Ami, wake up." I turned over to my side, ignoring the voice. "Come on, you're already late for the ninja academy."

"Daddy, I don't care for that academy. This village is fucking stupid." I murmured. I pulled the blankets over my head and curled up into a little ball. Wait, daddy isn't here and I'm not at home. I shot up and looked over to my side. Kakashi was smiling at me. I groaned then laid back down. "I'm not going. I'll go tomorrow." 

"Nope, I can't let you do that." Kakashi grabbed me out of bed, pushed me into a bathroom, and tossed me some clothes. I cursed incoherent words under my breath and got dressed. Kakashi then walked me to the academy. As soon as he was out of sight, I teleported myself to the Hokage's office. Taking a deep breath, I stealthily walked into a library of sorts. Hastily looking around, I gathered as much information about the leaf as I could before teleporting back to the academy. Looking around, I ran towards the wooded area behind the school. Zestu popped out of the ground and smiled creepily. "Ready to return, Ami-sama?" They both asked. Nodding my head, they grabbed me and teleported back to the Akatsuki hideout.

 First thing I did was walk to Hidan-nii's room. He was preparing to pray to Jashin. "I'm only gone for a day and you're already praying to Jashin-sama without me." He whipped his head towards me and I pouted.

"Weren't you kidnapped?" Hidan asked. 

"I was, now I am back!" I smiled.

"You should inform Leader-sama that you're home." Hidan said. I pouted then stomped to my father's office. The door flew open and I walked in. My father was in a fighting position when I walked in.

"Sorry, daddy. Did I scare you?" I asked.

"No, you just caught me off guard. Welcome back, sweetheart." He slightly smiled.

I walked over to his desk and sat down on it. "I took the liberty to find out some information on Konoha." I stated then continued to explain my findings on the leaf village from the civilians that live there to the ninja's and their capabilities. I could only gather a handful of information and whether it'll be useful in the future or not, that will be the question. "Daddy, you should train me so we can destroy the leaf village together! I wanna be prepared so there's no way that they can win against us." As much as I hated to admit it, despite being the Akatsuki, I was pretty weak against others. Being kidnapped by the leaf and completely useless when it had happened was a really big eye opener for me. To ensure that never happened again, I need to get stronger. Next time, I won't be so lucky to survive.

My father sighed in defeat then helped me off his desk. "Alright, but this training isn't going to be easy."

I walked outside the base with my father then got into a fighting stance. "I'm not looking for easy. I'm looking for getting stronger." I stated then ran at him.

~Another 5 years later. (Ami is now 16)~ Ami POV

I stepped into the living room, where all the Akatsuki members were, and stood in front of them all. "Ami, my baby, I've taught you everything I know. Make us proud." My father, Pein, stated.

"Do your best and come home safe and sound." Konan said then smiled at me. I smiled back. 

"Pray to Jashin-sama everyday and don't forget the sacrifices." Hidan-nii stated.

"Listen kid, if you run into some money send it to Uncle Kakuzu, okay?"

"Remember, Art is an explosion, un!" Deidara exclaimed.

"Don't tell her that!" Sasori said then hit Deidara upside the head. "Art is eternal. Never forget it."

"Practice your sword skills. I don't need you getting sloppy." Kisame said.

"Remember what I said about genjutsu. They need to be looking at your eyes in order for it to work." Itachi informed.

"We're glad we didn't eat you." Zetsu said. "We'll be watching over you."

I gave them all kisses and hugs. "I'll try to be back soon." I said then teleported back to Kakashi's house. He wasn't there which was perfect for me. I put my stuff in his room then teleported myself to the ninja academy. I went to my designated classroom, the one I was supposed to go to 5 years ago, and kicked the door open. I stepped in and immediately the whole class was staring in my direction. "Listen up fuckers, I'm Ami. I was supposed to be here 5 years ago, but something turned up. I'm here now so no worries." I handed my teacher my papers, I got from Kakashi 5 years ago, then took a seat in the back. 

After a bit, the teacher had to leave because some kid painted something he wasn't supposed too. After he left, students came up to me. I flew over to the front of the class. I looked over at the class and noticed Itachi's brother, Sasuke. I smirked at him and he seemed to glare at me. The teacher came back with another student in tow and I flew back to my seat. "Because of Naruto, we're going to do a transform jutsu test." I smiled inwardly to myself then flew back to the front of the class. I transformed myself into the third Hokage when prompted. After that I left back to Kakashi's house. He still wasn't there, so I made myself some food and went to bed since I knew tomorrow was going to be the final exam.

I entered the classroom and sat in my seat. Since I really didn't have a last name, I was the first to go. I had no reason to be scared since I already knew how to do a simple clone jutsu. Konan was so strict on me if I didn't do it right. I performed a perfect copy of myself then went back to Kakashi's house so I could eat lunch. I was such in a rush this morning, I didn't have the time to eat breakfast. I raided his fridge once again then left back to the academy. Upon entering, I heard Iruka calling out teams. "Team 7, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Ami." 

"Sweet." I say then walk to my seat. It had been well over 2 hours and our sensei was late. I looked over at Naruto and saw him put an erase above the door and Sakura ranting about how that was wrong. During the her rant, our teacher walked in and the eraser fell on his head. 

" first impression of this group is that you're a bunch of idiots." I turned my head and there was Kakashi standing there. 

"Kakashi!" I yelled then flew over to him. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck. Through his mask, I planted a sweet kiss on his lips. He seemed shocked at first, but gradually started to kiss back. After a few seconds, I broke the kiss. "You didn't come home last night and I was worried! By the way, we need to buy more food. I ate it all when I got here." I pouted.

He pulled me away from him then set me down on the ground. I turned to my 'teammates' and saw them frozen in shock. I turned to Kakashi and saw him sweat drop. He cleared his throat and informed us to meet him on the roof. While everyone sat on the steps, I sat on the railing next to Kakashi. He told us to introduce ourselves, but I wasn't really paying attention so I started walking on the railing, following a random butterfly. "Ami!" Kakashi yelled.

I turned my head then ran back to the group. "Yes?"

"Please introduce yourself." He said.

"Right! Hello, I'm Ami. I like Jashin and cursing whenever I feel like it. I hate when people kidnap me, but Kakashi is an exception. My hobbies include sacrificing people to Jashin-sama. My dreams for the future is to destroy the hidd-" Kakashi slapped his hand on my mouth before I could explain my dream.

"Good, you're all unique. We have our first mission tomorrow. It's a survival exercise. Don't eat breakfast or you'll puke." Kakashi said then disappeared with me in tow. We entered his house and he sat me on the couch. "When did you get here and how did you get into my house?" Kakashi asked seriously.

I pulled out an extra house key. "You gave me a key to your house, remember? And I got here 2 days ago. It would have been sooner, but I was still planning my escape." I smiled. "Besides, I'm still a resident of this village." I pulled out my resident sheet. "See." 

"Escape?" He questioned.

"Yeah, after leaving me alone at the Academy, the Akatsuki came looking for me. Before I had the chance to even step foot inside the building, I was back in their clutches. No worries though, I waited patiently and escaped unscathed." I explained, "But enough about that! We have a mission tomorrow, we should get some sleep."

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