Chapter Six

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Warning!! This is a very naught chapter. Skip if you do not wish to read this!!


-Kakashi POV-

I mustn't have been hearing properly because I just heard Ami ask me to have sex with her. "Come again?" I asked. 

"I said, have sex with me." She said, again. I moved her off my lap and to my side.

Facing her, "I can't do that. You're still young. I don't know what the Akatsuki told you, but I'm not going to do that."

She scoffed. Then she smiled sweetly. She was planning on something, but I don't know what. She jumped off the bed and I eyed her every move. She took off her shirt then her pants. I looked at her figure. She was curvy for a girl her age. I felt myself get excited so I turned away from her. I felt her climb onto my bed, but I paid no mind to her. I swiftly got out of bed, but Ami just pulled me back in. She laid me down and sat right on top of my 'stick.' I felt myself get more excited. "Ami, why do you want to have sex?" I asked. "And with me? You should do it with someone you love."

She rubbed her peach on my stick and I got unbelievably excited. "Because I want to know what it feels like. Plus I was raised by S-ranked criminals, I can do whatever I want." She purred. Since I was only wearing my boxers and a shirt; my stick came out of my boxer's hole. She stared at it curiously. She touched it and I shot up. 

"Don't." I warned. She just ignored me and toyed with my stick. I could tell she had no idea what she was doing, but it felt extremely good. She lightly grabbed it and started to move her hand up and down. I grunted as she started to move faster. Since my mask was down, she started to kiss me. I knew this was extremely wrong, but I couldn't help myself. She had gotten me excited beyond compare. I slowly moved my hand to her peach and started to rub it through her panties. She was really wet. I tore off her panties and started to finger her. I needed to stop, but my body wouldn't let me. 

"Kakashi, what is this feeling?" She moaned.

"Pleasure." I answered. I fingered her faster and she let out loud moans. Luckily, I lived in a house or someone would have heard us. I pulled out my fingers and positioned Ami near my stick. I rubbed the side of my stick on her peach and she moaned loudly. 

"Please, don't tease me." I heard her whine. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. "After this, you can't return to the way you were before." She ignored my question and forcefully pushed my stick inside her peach. She screamed out in pain while I grunted at the sudden force. She had, unknowingly, shoved my stick all they way into her small peach. I grabbed her hips and started moving her up and down. 

"It h-hurts." She whimpered. I hug her while she moves up down. I start sucking and nibbling on her neck to distract the pain she's having. She moves past the pain and starts moving faster; moaning in the process. I felt the need to cum, but Ami kept moving on my stick; making it impossible for me to move her. 

"Ami, stop. I need to cum." I stated. She ignored me, once again, and started moving faster. I let out a moan. "Please, stop." She slowed down, but kept slamming down hard on me. I grabbed her and she stopped. 

"Aww, I was having fun." She pouted. She started to squirm and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cummed inside her.

"Shit!" I yelled. She got off me and started fishing through my drawers for a shirt. She pulled one out then laid next to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I pinched her cheeks. "Your stubborn ass didn't move so I cummed inside you."

"So what? Hidan does it all the time before he sacrifices them to Jashin-sama." She states.

I face-palm, "Did anyone in the Akatsuki ever teach you the birds and the bees?"

"No, what's that?" She asked.

I sighed, "Basically, what we did. When a boy and girl have sex and the boy cums inside the girl, the girl could get pregnant."

She shot up. "Come again?"

"Since you didn't move, you could get pregnant." I repeated. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fainted. Great going, Kakashi. You just probably made the biggest mistake of your life. 

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