Chapter Nine

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-Naruto POV-

Things aren't going so great. Sasuke left the village, Ami is missing, Kakashi-sensei is acting weird, and Gramps died in the invasion. They wanted to make Pervy Sage the next Hokage, but he didn't want too, so Grandma Tsunade became Hokage instead. A group called the Akatsuki is after me, so I'm going off to train with Pervy Sage. Before leaving, I spotted Sakura, so I decided to talk to her before I left.

"Sakura!" I called. She turned and smiled at me. 

"Naruto? What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm leaving the village with Pervy Sage to train for 3 years. So, until then, this is goodbye. Good luck training with Grandma Tsunade." I said. I smiled at her and prepared to leave, but not before shouting something out to her, "Send me a message if you ever find Ami." With that, I ran off towards the gates of Konoha.

-Ami POV-

It had been 4 months since I last seen Kakashi. Daddy never lets me leave this base unless I am accompanied by someone. He no longer trusts me, which I completely understand, but I want to see Kakashi. Kakuzu checks on me everyone month, under my father's orders, to see if I am still not pregnant. Even as we're apart, I am starting to fall for Kakashi a bit. My heart flutters when I think about him, I get lonely when I realize he's not around, my heart hurts when I remember I cannot see him everyday like I used to. I like him a lot, but I wouldn't say I'm in love. I really don't know what love is or what it feels like. I just know, I'm attracted to Kakashi and I like him; nothing more, nothing less.

I sat up from my bed,  I walked into the kitchen to see Itachi making some food. I sat at the table and he places a plate in front of me. "Good morning." He said, taking a seat across from me with his own plate of food. I smiled slightly and started eating my food. After breakfast,  I sat in the living room, watching TV. Not like I can anything else without someone watching me.

"Do you miss him?" Itachi asked.

"Miss who?" I questioned.


"Of course, I miss him. I think I like him." I admitted shamelessly. "Of course I am not sure as I haven't seen him in 4 months, but whenever I think about not being able to see him anymore, I can feel my heart breaking in two."

Itachi took my hand in his and smiled slightly. "No promises, but maybe one day you will see him again." His face became serious again, "Ami, you're part of the Akatsuki. Always have been. You need to realize that Kakashi might not like you back because of it." Swallowing the lump in my throat, I tightened the grip I had on Itachi's hand. He was right. I was fooling everyone back in Konoha. I never belonged there. When Kakashi sees the real me, he'd hate me. Closing my eyes, I suppressed my oncoming emotions.  

-Kakashi POV-

Staring into Ami's bedroom, everything is how she had left it 4 months ago. Clothes littered the floors and her bed was unmade. "I miss you." I said to no one in particular as I thought about Ami in my mind. This house reminded me of her too much it was hard to find a room where I could relax. She first kissed me in the living room, I felt awkward in being in her room, we constantly ate in the kitchen together, and we sex in my bedroom. Closing the door to her room, I decided to leave the house for a bit. 'Ami, I will find you and bring you back, I promise.' Determination filled my body as I subconsciously left the village in search of the girl I was starting to fall in love with

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