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-Kakashi POV-

I knew I felt it, I just didn't want to believe it. There she was. There was the girl I loved standing before me. I didn't want to believe it, but by looking at her, she didn't look too well. She had bags under her eyes, but she seemed to be in top shape. "Ami!" I heard Naruto yell at her as he point at her. "Where's Sasuke?" He asked. 

"Fighting Itachi." Ami answered as if was the most obvious thing in the world. Then she got into a defensive stance. "This is as far as you go."

"Why are you doing this!?" This time it was Sakura's time to yell. I couldn't blame them. She had deceived them. Deceived all of us.

"Need help!?" I heard a new voice pitch in. Looking around, I spotted a man in a swirly orange mask looking down at Ami. She looked back at him too. He was obviously part of the Akatsuki as he was also wearing their cloak. "Man, they sure sent a lot of them, right Ami!?" He asked her. She teleported to him and stood next to him. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. 

"Tobi-kun!" I heard her exclaim. "I shall take care of them. No need for you to get involved." She told the man. As they were distracted, Naruto appeared before them with a rasengan. Ami dropped to the ground ungracefully and stared at us. "My name is Ami. I like the Akatsuki and training. I dislike people who kidnap me except Kakashi." She stared at me and I couldn't help, but stare at her back with wide eyes. "My hobbies include assassination missions for the Akatsuki and running off on my own without permission. My dream was to destroy the Leaf village." I heard my comrades gasp, even the man Tobi gasped. However, I am sure he was playing around. I tried so hard to hide that from Naruto and Sakura, but now that they're older, they should know. "My new dream is to help my father bring peace to the world, and I'll use force if I have to!" I was honestly surprised to hear her say that. She grabbed a kunai and started to run after us. She managed to get into our group, fighting each and every one of us head-on. Tenzo used his wood technique to try and trap her, but she was too fast to get caught. She was stronger than I remember her ever being. 

"Is Ami-chan sure she doesn't need help?" The masked man asked again. He seemed really concern for her well-being and it honestly bothered me. As she was busy looking at Tobi, Kiba proceeded to attack her, but she just moved to the side. 

"Tobi-kun, I got this!" She yelled, but then she started coughing harshly. I could see blood come out of between her fingers. However, before a single drop of blood fell to the ground, Ami was in a tree across from us in the arms of Tobi. I glared at the man. She coughed some more as she was in his arms and my glare only seemed to intensify. As her coughs subsides, she stood up straight once again. Tenzo ordered Shino to send out his bugs. I never once took my eyes off her as the bugs were going in for the attack. However, a dome of some sort appeared out of nowhere. Shino's bugs engulfed the dome completely. "My bugs will drain the chakra to disperse the dome." Shino informed. Suddenly I heard Ami scream in pain. I took a step forward as Shino retracted his bugs to see what was happening within the dome. As Ami was in sight once again, we all gasped to see blood dripping from where her eyes used to be. I looked at Tobi to see him carrying the purple eyes I was in love with. 

"I was always weak." I looked back at Ami who had jumped off the branch to the ground. "Even now, I am weak." Her legs were shaking too much and it seemed she was trying to come towards us. My team was ready to attack her once more, but I put a hand up to stop them. "I am sorry, Kakashi. I am sorry, Naruto." She apologized as she fell to the ground in another coughing fit. Only this time when blood poured out of her mouth, Tobi hadn't made a single move towards her. He only stared at her from the distance of the tree. Running towards Ami, I hugged her tightly. She brought her hand up to my face and felt around. "I love you, Kakashi. Even though I started off deceiving you. I am so glad you were my first." My heart quickened. The words I ever wanted to hear were coming out of her mouth and I was starting to think I was dreaming. However, I knew this was far from a dream. She turned to her side and starting coughing again. More blood seemed to come pouring out once again. "I finally understand why my kisses never worked in getting information. You have to be willing to share secrets and you weren't." She smiled at me then she was gone from my arms again. I thought Tobi had taken her once more, but this time was only a few yards away from us. "Had things been different, I would've been your friend, Naruto. I would've been your girlfriend, Kakashi. If things had been different, I would've stayed in the village to pursue peace the right way." I was shocked to hear her say that. "Water Style: Water Suicide Bomb!" I knew that technique, it was labeled as a forbidden jutsu. She spit the spear of water into her hand, holding it there. 

"NO!" I heard Naruto yell. 

"It's over. Sasuke won." I looked behind Ami to see Zetsu come out of the ground to tell her the news. The look on her face was priceless. She looked happy and relieved at the same time. She brought the spear to her chest and a blinding light followed shortly after, blinding us all. I look at where she once stood to see only steam rising from the ground. 

"AMI!" I shouted staring at the spot where she disappeared from. "I love you too..." I whispered, however it was too late. She was gone. Forever. 

~ The End

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