Chapter Twelve

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-Ami POV-

Coughing harshly, I spat out blood as I laid back in my bed. After leaving the leaf, it took me about a month to even reach the base. I would've been here sooner had I not needed to stop several times or had passed out on the side of the road for days. According to the doctor I had visited during that time, I had severe pneumonia. Had I not had passed out several times in the woods, it wouldn't have gotten so bad. Luckily for me, he was able to heal me quite a bit, however I still needed to stay in bed or else it'd get worse. What the doctor didn't know was that I needed to come back, so I paid my bill and disappeared in the night. Within that month I had been missing, it seemed as if things had gotten worse around here. Father had began sending people out on missions once again. Deidara and Tobi were the lucky ones to retrieve the 3-tails. Unfortunately, Deidara had died by Sasuke Uchiha's hands after the extraction. Meanwhile, my Father was attacked by a man named Jiraiya. Apparently he was his sensei back when he was a kid. That Jiraiya was obviously no match for my father as he was defeated quite easily. Sighing deeply, I regret my decision of leaving to for no apparent reason. I would've liked to meet the famed Jiraiya. The man who taught my father ninjutsu. A knock at my door distracted me from my thoughts. Straightening up, I took a deep breath as I walked towards my door. Opening it up revealed Itachi and Kisame. "It's time for me to fight Sasuke." He had to say no more. I knew the quarrel of the brothers almost all my life. I knew this day would come so I always told Itachi I'd help him. Grabbing my cloak, I walked out of the base the Shark and Uchiha. 

The three of us ran in a V formation, Itachi taking lead as he knew the way to the Uchiha hideout. "Are you sure you're ready, Itachi?" I shouted as we ran through the trees. "Because I am not!" He turned to look at me and smiled slight before looking back ahead. Although there were no words, I just knew what he was saying. He was completely ready for this fight, more than ready. Stopping just before a building, I hugged Itachi from behind. "Shh," I started. "I've known you almost my whole life. Thank you, Itachi." Itachi turned around and hugged me the tightest he's ever had. I cherished the hug as it was going to be the last. I pried myself off the Uchiha and took a step back to examine him. He smiled once more before turing around and walking off into the building. As he disappeared from sight, I let out the cough I had been holding in. 

"Hey, kid, are you alright!?" Kisame asked, shock evident in his voice. 

"Kisame," I stared. "Of course I am alright! Saliva just went down the wrong pipe." I scoffed. 

He grabbed my face to look at him and used his thumb to wipe something off the side of my mouth. "Saliva or blood?" He questioned, showing me his thumb. 

"Shut it, shark man." I glared as I got out of his grip and faced forward. "He's coming." Kisame ignored me for now as I faced forward as well, waiting. As if on queue, Sasuke and 2 other people came running towards us. The three of them stopped before us. Sasuke and I locked eyes. "Sasuke," I called. He stepped closer to me. "I know we didn't know each other well, but we were still on a team, so good luck." He seemed shocked to hear me say that, but he just smirked and ran off towards the building. 

"WHO ARE YOU!?" A girl with red hair screamed at me with an accusing finger. Although it was faint, I could feel a familiar chakra from the distance. 

"Kisame," I called out, completely ignoring the girl who was shouting at me. "Leaf nins are coming from the opposite side of the building. I'm going to stop them."

"Oi, Ami!" I heard Kisame shout. "Will you be alright? You're in no condition to fight." 

Smiling slightly, I stretched out my fist. Kisame stared at it for second before bumping fists with me. "See ya around, Kisame." I walked off towards the opposite side of the hideout. As I ran around the building, I could only imagine was was happening in there. Was Itachi ok? Was it still going on? Who was winning? Ignoring my questions for now, I went on ahead towards my opponents. As I approached them slowly, they were shocked to see me. 

"AMI!" Naruto called out, completely surprised to see me. "Where's Sasuke!?" He asked. 

"Fighting Itachi." I answered, "This is as far as you go." Getting in a defensive stance, I stared hard at my opponents. 

"Why are you doing this?!" Sakura yelled at me. 

"Need help!?" I swiftly turned around to see Tobi up in the trees. "Man! They sure sent a lot of people!" He said in his goofy voice. "Right, Ami-chan?" Disappearing and reappearing next to the man-child, I took my place next to him.

"Tobi-kun!" I exclaimed, using his false name so no one knew his identity. "I shall take care of them. No need for you to get involved." I stared down at my ex-comrades. Naruto came at us with rasengan, but before he could hit any of us, Tobi and I dispersed. Falling to the ground, I coughed a bit more before standing up to face them once again. "My name is Ami! I like the Akatsuki and training. I dislike people who kidnap me except Kakashi." I stared at Kakashi as I said that. "My hobbies include going on assassination missions for the Akatsuki and running off on my own without permission. My dream was to destroy the leaf village." There were gasps from everyone, except Kakashi. Tobi even gasped, however I knew his was faking. "My new dream is to help my father bring peace to this world, and I'll use force if I have to." Grabbing a kunai, I ran towards the group of 8 people, dodge each of their attacks as I used taijutsu to try and attack them. While I was gifted with ninjutsu because of my eyes, I was much better with taijutsu than anything else. 

Wood pillars followed me as it tried to trap me. Tenzo. I recognized him from the documents I stole from the leaf all those years ago. He was one of them I was weary of back then due to his technique. Dodge each of the pillars, I tried my hardest not to get caught in them. "Is Ami-chan sure she doesn't need help?" Tobi asked again. Stepping to the side to dodge an attack from the dog boy, I looked at Tobi once again.

"Tobi-kun, I got this." I coughed harshly once again. Blood dripped through my fingers. Before a single drop of blood fell to the floor, I was suddenly in Tobi's arms in a tree. A coughing fit overcame me as my chest tightened in pain. I placed a shaky hand on my chest as I tried to heal myself from the pneumonia, however my limited knowledge couldn't do much. Getting out of Tobi's grip, I stood up proudly. Tenzo yelled at the kid Shino and suddenly a bunch of insects were coming towards us. Holding my hand out, a protective dome covered Tobi and I. The insects swarmed the bubble, trying to get in. "Sorry, Madara." I apologized. Taking a deep breath, I brought a shaky hand to my right eye. Restrengthening my resolve, I reached in and pulled out my eye. Screaming harshly, I held out the eye to Tobi. I could feel the bubble starting to disperse. Acting quickly, I pulled out my left eye and held it out. I felt Tobi take my eyes. 

"Does this mean you're not coming back?" Tobi asked as the bubble disbursed. I could hear the gasps of the leaf below me. 

"I was always weak." I stated as I jumped off the branch to the ground. "Even now, I am weak." I wobbled forth, defenses down. "I am sorry, Kakashi." I stated. "I am sorry, Naruto." I coughed some more as I fell to the ground. I could feel blood gushing out of mouth as it spilt to the ground, no doubt dying the dirt red. I felt arms around me as I sat on the ground. Reaching my hand out, I could feel the familiar fabric on the man's face. "I love you, Kakashi." I said, "Even though I started off deceiving you. I am so glad you were my first." I turned to my side to cough so more and get the blood that was lodged in the back of throat. "I finally understand why my kisses never worked in getting information. You have to be willing to tell secrets and you weren't." Smiling slightly, I teleported myself away from the group. "Had things been different, I would've been your friend Naruto. I would've been your girlfriend, Kakashi. If things were different, I would've stayed in the village to pursue peace the right way." Using the last bit of my chakra, I performed a very special jutsu. "Water style: Water Suicide Bomb!" Spitting out a sphere of water, I held it in my hands. 

"NO!" I heard Naruto yell. 

From behind me, I heard Zetsu tell Tobi, "It's over. Sasuke won."

Seems like I'll see you sooner than I wanted to, Itachi. Smiling brightly, I brought the water ball into my chest. Sorry, Father.

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