3. Tailbone

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You sat bolt upright in bed. A cold sweat had drenched your pajamas and your legs are all tangled up in your bedsheets. With trembling fingers, you flipped on your bedside lamp and checked the time. It had only been minutes since you had fallen asleep.

How could you have had such a vivid dream? You couldn't have gone into REM in such a short amount of time... what kind of dream was that? A sharp pain shoots through your back as you shift to get up. It was the same pain you felt when...

Your heart rate picked up.

The pain of landing on your tailbone. In the hallway. In your dream. No.

No it couldn't be real. Conversion hysteria! It had to be! There is absolutely no way you could hurt yourself in a dream. It's impossible.

You stand up and wince. It felt so real though... the smell of coffee and the deafening sound angry of voices...

You place yourself in front of your mirror and turn around, pulling your pajama pants down just enough to get a good view of your tailbone.

It was coloured a vibrant purple. You suck in a shaky breath. No. Way. You didn't know if you should feel amazed ot frightened.

You needed to go back. Curiosity was getting the best of you. Yanking your pants up, you lunge back into bed, ignoring the stinging in your butt.

Light off and under the warm blankets, you silently pray for sleep to take you again.


That was coffee. You could smell coffee. And you could hear voices. They were hushed this time. You can detect a hint of concern.

"Is she human?" A soft male voice is the first too come into focus.

You felt a soft hand on your forehead. "I do believe so." Another male voice comments. It's accent is thick and German.

"Bella?" A high pitched voice coos. "Are you alright?" The person speaking seems to be close to your face and another hand comes to touch you.

You force your eyes open, regretting it immediately. Bright sunlight seemed to sear your brain. At least you got a glimpse of the person speaking to you. His eyes were a nice and claming brown.

"Well at least we know she is alive." Yet another voice comments. Only this one is female. "Let me have a look at her."

You hear shifting and the sound of someone kneeling beside you. "Are you awake, lelkem?" The woman asks.

You groan and try to move your limbs but they feel like lead.

"How did she get here?" A new and obviously irritated person asks.

"The portal must be here today." The first male voice says as if he is contemplating something.

"Don't try too move." The woman beside you says in a soft voice. You feel a warm hand on the arm you had been trying to lift. "Passing through that portal saps a lot of energy from humans."

"Humans..?" You mumble, opening your eyes for good this time. The woman leaning over you is watching you with concerned green eyes. "You're talking like I'm the only human here."

You scan the area around you. Six people, including the woman, are grouped near you.

"We're not exactly human." A short man says. You recognize his voice as the one who spoke about the portal.

"What do you mean?" You ask, forcing your muscles to help you sit up. The woman's hand presses lightly against your back as an extra support.

"Another discussion for another day." A muscular man says abruptly. He was the voice with the thick German accent.

The woman glances up at the man then back to you. "Ludwig is right." She moves and helps you to your feet. "Let's get you to a bed. You'll need sleep to recuperate all of that lost energy."

You pull away from her slightly. "But I am sleeping."

Ludwig and the woman exchange glances yet again.

"And if you don't mind, I'd like to know your name." You look at the woman. "I like knowing the name of the person who is going to bed me."

"Ha!" An albino man laughs. The woman blushes. "As if Liz would bed you! She obviously wants to bed me!" He continues laughing.

"I'm Elizaveta." She glares at the laughing man. "And that is Gilbert. I'm going too kill you later." She directs the last part at 'Gilbert'.

"I'll make her some tea." Another man says. The irritated one.

"That's Roderich." Elizaveta tells you as the irritated one walks out of the room you are in. A living room, you notice. "Come on, let's lay you down."

You pretend not to notice the death glare she shoots Gilbert.

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