14. The Creator

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Gilbert had given you one of Elizabetha's old dresses. It was easy enough to slip over you head and cast, but, tying the sash was a completely different story. You couldn't knot it with one hand so you left it undone.

Before heading downstairs, you pull a brush through your hair. No point in trying to apply makeup. You peek out the door and scan Gilbert's room. He isn't there, to your relief. You step out and walk towards the dinning room. The sound of forks clicking against plates and chatter reaches you from at the top of the grand staircase. "I must have taken to much time in the shower." You mutter to yourself.

The room goes quiet when you walk in and all eyes turn to you. Arthur stands up and walks over to you. "Are you alright, love?" He asks. His fingers ghost over the rough surface of the cast. "I'm very sorry about this. We should have been more careful."

You look towards Gilbert who is gritting his teeth and squeezing his utensils so tightly his knuckles are turning white. The imagine of his naked body flashes through your mind again so you look back to Arthur. "It's alright." You offer a smile. "May you tie that sash for me? It's rather difficult with one hand."

Before Arthur can answer, Gilbert jumps up. "I can do it." He says, glaring at Arthur.

Ludwig pulls Gilbert back into his seat with an icy look. "Sit down." He growls. "Stop fighting over (Y/n); you'll only injure her again."

You don't meet Gilbert's eyes as you turn around for Arthur. He pulls the sash tight around your waist and ties it in a neat bow. "Thank you." You say with a smile.

The only seat left is the one between Arthur and Roderich. You don't mind. Arthur pulls your chair out for you and pushes it in before taking his seat beside you.

"Porridge?" Elizabetha asks, a ladle of the beige substance ready to put in your bowl. She still looks a little suspicious of your demeanor. It's obvious she knows something is bothering you.

"Yes please." You hold out your bowl. She spoons in some porridge and you set it back in front of you. Only when you'd put all of your favourite toppings on and picked up your spoon, did everyone resume eating.

You feel a foot hook around your ankle and glance across the table at Gilbert. He's watching you with rather possessive eyes. It gives you the shivers. You quietly pull your foot away from his and back towards you and focus on eating your breakfast.


"I suppose we should continue our conversation from yesterday." Arthur says as he settles into the chair across from you. He'd brought you out to the back garden with Francis. Gilbert was not allowed to come this time apparently. "Where were we before we carelessly injured you?" Arthur nods remorsefully at your arm. At least he didn't put all the blame on Gilbert.

"My 'impressive' ability." You set your notebook on the glass table between you. "But I have no idea what my abilities are..."

"Ah yes." Arthur folds his hands in his lap. "Your abilities. It might be useful for you to understand what they are. Of course you know that you can jump portals?"

You nod. "Roderich told me."

Francis reaches across the table and picks up the notebook. He thumbs through the pages and pauses on the one with the portal door. "What's this?" He asks no one in particular. He pulls the sketch of the dark door from between the pages.

Arthur leans over and examines the page. "Now that is interesting." He plucks it from Francis' hands. "Do you know what this is, (Y/n)?"

You lean back in your chair and cross your arms. "Stop asking me questions." You pout. "I have no idea what's going on. Since I am in the middle of this, I think I have the right to know what this is about."

"You're right." Arthur says. He puts the drawing down. "I will be blunt. These images you have created are portals."

"I'm sorry what?" You uncross your arms. "I mean I know I depicted the portals. I kind of figured that one out when I fell through that one." You point at the painting in your notebook.

"You came here through the painting?" Arthur raises his thick eyebrows.

You frown. "No." This was getting frustrating. "I came through the actual door. Not the painting."

"But that's what I'm trying to tell you!" Arthur seems to be as frustrated as you. "This page, this painting, is an all new portal! Not only do you have the ability to travel through them, but you also have the ability to create and replicate them!" His voice gets louder by the second.

You want to yell back at him but you don't know what to say. All you can manage is; "I can create portals?"

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