10. The Magic Man

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Gilbert lead you back to the living room where a crowd of people awaited. There were two new men. They were both blonds, one with scruffy short hair and the other with long and wavy well kept hair.

The one with the long hair was watching you with hopefull eyes.

"Is this the girl?" The scruffy haired man nods towards you impatiently.

"Yes. That's her." Roderich says dismissively with a curt hand gesture towards towards you.

With three long stride, the man cross the living room to stand in front of you. You feel Gilbert stiffen slightly at the man's approach. "I am Arthur." He holds a hand out for you to shake. He has a distinct British accent so you decide that if he is a country, he must be Great Britain or something of the sort. You shake his hand. "I understand this is yours." He lets go of your hand and holds up a familiar leather bound object.

Your hands shake as you reach out to take it. "My notebook..." You take it delicately between your (s/c) fingers. "I thought it was gone forever." You flipped it open and scanned each page. On many of them, the paint had smudged and others were stuck together. The pages that hadn't been filled out were a wavy mess.

"You best be careful with that." Arthur comments, nodding his chin towards the painting of the door; an exact replica of the door you had used to enter this world. To your surprise, it hadn't been damaged in any way. The paint was intact, the page was still smooth and straight and there were no other pages stuck to it. You opened your mouth to express your confusion but Arthur seemed to have guessed what you were going to ask. "That's not just any painting, you know."

"Are those your art babies?" Gilbert whispers, peering over your shoulder.

You ignore him and press your notebook to your chest. "What do you mean?" You ask looking back up at Arthur.

Arthur looked around the room. "I believe Francis and I need to have a chat with Miss (Y/n)."

Everyone nodded silently and started to filter out of the room. "Would you like to bring us some tea" Arthur catches Gilbert before he leaves. Gilbert cast you a strange look. He didn't seem to be too happy at being bossed around in his own house. You shrug, offering an apologetic smile.

Gilbert ends up slinking out of the room grumbling in angry German. "Take a seat, love." Arthur's voice softens as he gently helps you sit down on a plush couch. You notice he is a proper gentleman. Him and Francis (the man with the nice hair) sit themselves down across from you. Your notebook is still pressed to your chest. "You are a very talented artist." Arthur says as he crosses his legs.

"Thank you." You finger the pages water damaged pages . "It means a lot to me since my world doesn't seem to appreciate what I do."

"They should." Francis speaks up for the first time. You notice the slight stubble on his chin as he speaks. "What you can do is very impressive."

You were about to thank him when Gilbert walks in, carrying a tray with four cups and everything necessary to serve tea. He puts it down on the coffee table resting between you and the two other men.

"Gilbert, dear," Arthur starts off with a condescending tone, sneering up at the albino standing at your side. "I'm not sure how you were taught to count, but there are only three of who will be participating in this conversation."

"There were three people," Gilbert sends a venomous glare back at Arthur. "But I have something else you might like to see. And you won't be seeing it unless I am here to show it."

"No one wants to see your junk, dear man." Arthur scowls in disgust.

"And you honestly believe people care about your magic?" Gilbert lets out a throaty laugh. "How do they say it in English? Oh that's right! Preposterous!"

"Now listen here you snaggletooth-" Arthur stands up, fists balled.

"Snaggletooth? Me?" Gilbert steps over the coffee table, leveling himself with Arthur. "Have you looked in the mirror recently?"

Suddenly a full out fist fight breaks out. Francis acts fast. He gets up from his spot, dashes over to you and pulls you up over the couch and behind him. "You're a human." He explains. "And fights between two countries tend to be deadly for your kind." There is concern in his voice as he pushes the two of you further away from the fighting men. "Someone should hear this soon and come to stop this."

You watch as Gilbert throws punches and as Arthur returns them. "Hey!" Ludwig appears in the doorway. He rushes towards the fight and begins to pull the two sides apart. As the struggle continues, you catch sight of a piece of paper fluttering from Gilbert's pocket towards the ground.

Without understanding why, you slip out from behind Francis and rush forward to collect the paper. All of your senses seemed to have been numbed. Your only focus was retrieving that paper. "(Y/n)!" Francis reaches out to hold you back but the fabric of your shirt slips through his grip.

You reach out towards the floor where the paper rests, and just as you curl your fingers around it, something solid connects with your outstretched arm and a sickening snapping sound slices through the din. You are sent flying backwards by the force of the impact. Luck just wasn't in your favour today for your head connected with the edge of the coffee table.

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