24. Pizza

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Your put the glass back in your cast in case you needed to use it again. The pen in your hand shook slightly. You hoped the message got to the other side. Did he understand it? Hopefully.

You took your time and traced a line several times over before moving on to the next one. Ten minutes passed, the twenty.

Then a half hour. By then you were almost already done with the picture. It wasn't the right portal but it was a portal non the less meaning it had to lead somewhere. Inflict the wrath of those men on someone else was unthinkable.

The doorbell rang. The low chatter that had been wafting from the hallway stopped abruptly. Someone stood up and moved towards the door. It was Oliver. He gave you a loopy smile as he passed the kitchen and disappeared in the mud room.

"Hello. May I help you?" Oliver asked politely after opening the door.

"I have your pizza." A distinctly American voice stated. "Pepperoni and cheese?"

You held your breath. "We didn't order a pizza." Oliver said calmly. "Did we, Allen?"

"No." Allen called back. "Especially with animal products; no thank you." He sneered.

From the corner of your eye, you saw a flash of gold out the window and turn towards it. Standing up against the house was Francis. Your heart skipped a beat. He was looking towards the front door, his back towards you.

"Are you sure?" The American voice asked. "The order is for um... (Y/n) (L/n)?"

There was a pause. Your heart hammers in your ears as you stare at the back of Francis' head. They came.

"(Y/n) dear," Oliver called. "Come here for a moment."

You got up with wobbly legs and marched towards the front door. Oliver was watching you with murderous eyes as you approach. The man at the door smiled at you brightly. "I got your pizza." He said. His blue eyes sparkled. He wore glasses and a baseball cap covered his mop of sandy hair.

You were now standing beside Oliver, shaking. "What's this?" Oliver suddenly grabs your arm and holda it up in front of his face. It was the arm you had carved help into. He looked back towards the pizza guy. "I'm sorry, there must be a mistake. Good day." He tried to swing the door shut, the grip on your arm tightening.

The pizza guy flung his hand out and stopped the door from completely shutting. "I assure you," He smirked. "There's no mistake."

"What's the problem?" Allen comes up behind you. The pizza guy looks over at him, still smirking. "Oh fuck no." He groans.

"Hello Allen." The pizza guy says. He drops the pizza box and shoulders the door open. It hits Oliver, causing the grip on your arm to loosen just enough for you to rip it away. "Arthur!" The pizza guy grabs your shoulder and swings you behind him, pushing you outside.

Two arms wrap around you from behind and you scream, flailing in attempt to shake whoever it was. "Love! It's just me!" Arthur turns you around to face him.

"Get her!" Oliver shouts from inside the house. You look back and see the pizza guy fighting Allen off. Oliver was stuck behind them.

"Gilbert!" Arthur pushes you forcefully.

Strong arms catch you. You know these arms. "Gil!" You look up into crimson eyes.

"Hey, Schatz." He pulls you upright. "It's good to see you alive." He kisses you.

"Watch out!" Someone calls from behind Gilbert. You turn back towards the door and see Matt barreling towards you. "I got it." The same voice says.

A tall blond man runs out from behind Gilbert and towards Matt. His hair looks an awful lot like Francis'. "Thanks, Mattie!" Gilbert calls. He pushes something against your chest. Your notebook. "Run!" He takes your hand and starts running. You scrambled to keep up.

"Where are we going?" You yell, looking back over your shoulder. There's everyone had retreated into the house to fight. Probably not to attract the neighbour's attention. "Who were all those people?"

"The Allies!" He calls. "The guy with the pizza is America and the guy that saved our asses was Canada!"

The sound of your footsteps against the concrete was enough to alert anyone around of your position. "But where are we going?"

"To destroy your notebook!"

You freeze. "No." You yank your hand away from his. Gilbert's steps falter. He turns to your.

"(Y/n) stop being childish." He grabs for your hand again but you pull it away. "It needs to be destroyed if we want to send them back to their world and keep them there."

"And never see you again? Or Arthur? Or Elizabetha?" You take a step back. "I don't think so." And the thought of destroying your art frightened you to no end. It was as if the paint was connected to your soul or something.

Gilbert peered at you with sad eyes. "I know, it's not the ideal situation, but it's what needs to happen." He grabbed your wrist and dragged you down the sidewalk, out of your neighbourhood and towards the downtown area.

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