12. Pillow Talk

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You come to with a hand absentmindedly stroking your hair. There is a tuft of snowy hair tickling your cheek. You open your eyes and notice you're back in Gilbert's room. The dark window tells you it's nighttime. "Gilbert?" You groan, turning your face into his slivery hair. He is laying on the bed beside you, his body curled protectively around yours. You can't help but fell a bit odd at being this intimate with someone you'd just met.

His hand stills on your hair. "(Y/n)." He lifts his head gently and looks lovingly into your eyes. "You're awake." There's relief in his voice.

"Yeah." You groan as you push yourself up with your good arm. "Here." You pull your notebook out from under shirt and give it to him.

He takes it and puts it down on the bed behind him. He sits up as well and his eyes settle on your cast. "I'm sorry about hurting you. I should have been more careful." He moves his eyes back up to meet yours. "We were going to fix it for you but it seemed like you were getting it sorted out in the human world."

It saddens you to hear him call your world that. It's as if he is trying to distance himself from it as much as possible. "Yeah..." You look towards the closed bedroom door. "Is everyone asleep? What time is it?" You look to his nightstand where a digital clock its.


"Yes everyone is asleep." Gilbert says as he adjusts himself on the bed. "I just wanted to stay awake to make sure you were alright."

You blush. "Thank you." Hesitantly, you slide your hand over his and give it a light squeeze.

He blushes to. "I was going to ask if you were tired... but I guess that's not the case."

As you shake your head, you notice Gilbert suppressing a yawn. So even countries need sleep. Interesting. "You should sleep... I'll be fine." You assure him, moving to get off the bed.

You feel slim fingers curl around your good arm and hold you back gently. "Stay." He insists, pulling you back gently. "It'll help me sleep."

You look down at him. His eyes are wide and pleading. "Alright." You say, shifting back onto the bed. "At least let me turn off the light, though." You reach over to the bedside lamp and snap it off.

Once the room is dark, Gilbert gently pulls you into his chest. He falls asleep almost immediately. You, however, stare straight ahead into the darkness. You don't want to go back to your world... you just got to this one.

Despite your wish to stay in this world, sleep begins to take you. Your eyelids began to feel like lead and before you knew it, you were asleep once again.


It was the sun that woke you up this time. You groan and sit up.


Something was wrong.

"Good morning." Elizabetha chimes. She stands by the window, the curtains clutched in her hands. "Rise and shine, love birds!"

"Go away, Liz." Gilbert groans. He hooks an arm around your waist and pulls you back down beside him.

How was it that you were still in Gilbert's world? Elizabetha approached the bed and leans over you. "Did you get your arm fixed?"

"What?" You blink at her. You were feeling slightly dazed.

"Your arm." She gently touches your broken arm.

You look down at your (f/c) cast. "It's in a cast."

Elizabetha frowns at you. "I know." She looks like she has something else to say to you but shakes it off and turns to Gilbert instead. "Get up, both of you. Breakfast is starting soon." She leaves the room as soon as she is sure Gilbert is standing on his feet.
"Do you need new clothes?" Gilbert asks, giving you a once over. "And a shower? No offence but you kind of smell."

He was right. You hadn't had a real shower or a change of clothes in at least fourty eights hours... you think. The passage of time between the two worlds was still an iffy subject for you.

"Yes please." You nod. Gilbert was in the same pajamas as yesterday and you were finding it harder not to let your eyes drift to his pale chest.

He puts his hands over his breasts indignantly. "My eyes are up here, Liebling." He smirks when you look up into his eyes once more.

"Where's the bathroom?" You ask. Your cheeks are flushed.

His smirk widens and he removes his hands from his chest. "Through that door." He points towards a white door in the corner of his room. "I'll bring you some of Liz's clothes so-"

"Thanks." You cut him off and hurry towards the bathroom. The riding crop and handcuffs catch your attention as you pass them and your face burns brighter.

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