4. Hospitality

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The house you were in was massive. You had lost track of the number of twists and turns Elizaveta had brought you down. The two of you finally reached a staircase and you groaned, still feeling a little bit heavy and not exactly up for stairs.

"Here." Elizaveta holds your elbow and pushes up slightly.

You glance at her with a sheepish smile. "Thanks." You mumble.

She smiles back at you. And pulls you gently up the stairs. "I would put you in the guest room but It-" She catches herself. "Feliciano... and Kiku are in there." She says cautiously.

You frown. Why had she hesitated? "What about Gilbert?" You ask, trying to dismiss her hesitation. "Where will he sleep?"

She shrugs. "In the garage."

You giggle. Elizaveta helps you up the last step and leads you to the door closest too the staircase. She shoulders open the door and flips on the lights.

Too your surprise, the room was spotless. From the short moment you'd known Gilbert's obnoxious character, you expected him to be messy. But no. He was a neat freak.

"I know." Elizaveta laughed. "He doesn't seem like someone who'd clean up after himself, huh?"

You shook your head, scanning the room. The bed you were being guided to was placed in the center of the bedroom. It was big and soft looking.

As you passed a dresser, something glinted and caught your eye. It was a riding crop and a pair of handcuffs, proudly displayed for everyone too see. You swallowed nervously.

"His little brother is like that too." Elizaveta says.

"What?" You whip around just enough to see her. Big mistake. You stumble and fall backwards onto your bruised tailbone. "Câlisse de bitch!" The French just slips from your lips. Thoughts tumbled through your head. Was Gilbert a sadist? He has a brother? Is his brother a sadist too?

Elizaveta immediately gets down on her knees to help you. "Are you hurt?" She asks, concerned.

"I brusied my tailbone in that hallway." You mumble, letting her loop an arm around your waist and pull you up.

Elizaveta is silent as she helps you into Gilbert's bed. It was as soft as it looked. You groaned in contentment as you settled into the mattress, avoiding laying on your tailbone.

"Got the tea!" You recognized Gilbert's obnoxious voice.

You turned your attention towards the bedroom door as Elizaveta pulled the heavy duvet up around your chin.

"Hey, schatz." Gilbert's voice softened slightly as he came and sat on the edge of the bed, angling Elizaveta away from you. "That portal jump looked pretty brutal." He smiled and handed you a teacup.

Your hands were trembling slightly as you took it from him. "I will go help Roderich with something to eat." She glares at Gilbert. "I'm sure she is famished as well. Don't do anything inappropriate to her." She warns before turning on her heels and heading out of the bedroom.

You watch her go before bringing the cup to your lips and taking a tentative sip. It was hot, meaning, it burnt your tongue. Gilbert saw you flinch and reached out to lightly touch your elbow. "You alright?"

You looked up at him and pulled your elbow away with a nod. "It's just hot."

He frowned a little when you moved away from him and retracted his hand. "I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was no longer loud and obnoxious. "You're not afraid of me, are you?"

You place the teacup on the bedstand beside you and look towards his dresser. "There is a riding crop and handcuffs on your dresser." You state matter of factly. "Do you have any paper?"

His frown deepens. "What?"

"And maybe a pen too." You add, tapping your chin in thought. You wanted to draw that other door.

"You're affraid of a riding crop and handcuffs?" He completely disregards your request for drawing material.

You stare at him. "Well..." He watches you expectantly. "Unless you use them for reasons other than having kinky sex, no."

He frowns. "Ok I'm confused." He leans towards you slightly. "You're affraid of me unless I have kinky sex?"

You shrug. "You can do whatever gives you pleasure. I have no right to judge you." You smile. "Now may I have some paper?" You ask sweetly.

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