6. The Art Store

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Your heart pounded in your ears. How was this possible? It was just a dream... wasn't it? But, the cold material of the pen against your fingertips told you otherwise.

It was real. It was all real. Excitement courses through your veins. You'd be able to see Gilbert and Elizaveta again! With shaky hands, you place the pen on your pillow. You'd never been more excited for bed.

The minutes seemed to pass by slower than usual. You spent the rest of your day pacing around the house, fixing every little thing even if it already looked perfect. You reajusted the flower pot on your kitchen windowsill so that it was placed directly in the middle, folded the curtains so they all looked symmetrical and reorganized every shelf you could find.

You refolded every piece of clothing you owned and replaced them in your drawers, all colour coded. Hoping that had wasted some of your time, you look back at the clock. Only three hours had passed and it was nowhere near your usual bed time.

With a sigh, you push yourself up off your knees, hip checking the drawer you'd just placed your clothes in shut. What to do, what to do?

You glance over at your bed. There's no reason you can't go to sleep now. But that'd probably screw up your sleep scheduel. Ok, maybe there is a reason, then. "There's no harm in making new friends." You mumble with another sigh.

So, you head out into the city, yanking on a pair of boots and a jacket. You wander around aimlessly, peering in shop windows and watching people as they pass you.

You tell yourself to stick to window shopping, but, as you pass the art store you can't help but go in. It didn't matter if you had given up on art. You will always love the papery smell of an art store.

As you browse the aisles, you trail your fingers along diverse types of paintbrushes and paint bottles. You feel the pages of all different types of notebooksand breathe in their calming scent.

"You're quite the looker." A charming male voice sounds behind you. You turn and face a pair of green eyes.

"Excuse me?" You ask, observing the young man behind you. He only appears to be a year or so older. His chestnut hair is gelled to form small spikes out of his hair.

"It's another way of saying you're pretty." He explains, nervously scratching a freckle dotted cheek. There was an awkward silence. "I'm Ethan." He says, holding a hand out for you too shake.

You take it lightly. "(Y/n)." You introduce yourself.

"Do you paint?" He asks, nodding towards the canvas you had been unconsciously sensually running your hands over.

You put it back on the shelf and blushed. "Oh, um..." You shove your hands into the pockets of your jacket. "Not really."

He smiles softly. "Say, if you aren't busy, would you like too grab something to eat?"

You freeze. Did he just ask you out? You check your watch. Only four hours until your usual bed time. "I have time." You say, smiling up at him.

"Cool." He smiles back. "There's a little place down the street. I used to eat there all the time."

You shrug. "Sounds good." He lead you to the restaurant and was a complete gentleman about it. He holds open the door, pulls out your chair and took your jacket. "My you are quite polite." You grin at him when he settles down across from you.

"It's how I was raised." He flattens a napkin across his lap and you do the same.

You order (favourite food) and Ethan orders fish and chips. As you wait for the food, you get to know him. He tells you he has two parents in the military and he moved six times throughout his life. He plays a high levle of hockey and spends his free time writing.

You tell him about yourself as well. After the meal, he insists to walk you home. With no other option (because he wouldn't stop insisting), you accept. The walk home was cold but Ethan's close proximity offered some warm. "Thank you for walking me home." You say when you're at your door.

"No problem." He smiles. "I guess I'll see you around, then?" He asks hopefully.

You nod. "Goodnight."


You wait until he is down the street before letting yourslef into your warm home. You practically flew into bed, not bothering to change out of your day clothes.

You just wanted to see the new world again.

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