23. Cry For Help

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"Stop!" Ethan yells. There's a scrabbling sound and some grunts. "Don't hurt her!"

"It's to late for that." You open your eyes to a smirking Allen. "Good morning, doll face." He croons.

The low and sentimental voice he was using sent shivers down your spine. He was leaning in rather close to your face and you tried to move away but to your dismay, you realised you are still tied to the chair. You groaned. "How long is it going to take you to accept the fact that I'm not going to give you what you want."

Allen's eyes narrow but the smile remains on his face. "You say that now..." A flash of silver catches your eye. He is dragging the tip of the knife along your casted arm. "But you'll regret it soon enough."

With that, he jerks the blade across your upturned palm. You hiss as a line of blood springs to the surface. "You bastard!" Ethan yells from behing Allen. You look over and see he is being held back by Matt. Oliver is standing beside François who is lounging against the kitchen counter, a cigarette pinched between his lips.

"I'm not telling you anything." You growl defiantly. "So you can kiss my ass."

"We'll get there eventually." Allen said in a sultry voice, dragging a finger down your cheek and under the curve of your jaw. He turned and nodded at Oliver. "Your turn."

Oliver approached you with a new sketch pad and a fountain pen. "Now, my dear," He bent down so he was levle with you and smiled sweetly, placing the art supplies in your lap. "I'll untie you, but only if you promise not to run and that you will draw us that portal."

"I would never." You buck your hips so the sketchpad and pen fall at his feet. "I know where my loyalties lie, unlike some people." You glare pointedly at Ethan.

He looked at you with sad eyes and gave a yank at ome of the arms Matt was holding back. You turned your attention back to Oliver. His smile wavered as he bent down to pick up what you'd bumped onto the floor. "You need to understand our point of view here, (Y/n)." He said softly, pulling a chair in front of yours and sitting down. "Our world is ravaged by war and pollution. We don't get along very well with eachother, you see. My brothers and I," He gestures around the room. "Want to get out of that. We're different. We don't start wars."

You narrow your eyes. "You only enforce them, right?" You sneer. "And this is all probably a ruse to get me to trust you. I find it more likely that you're all killers than not."

Oliver's face goes blank for a moment before he presses the sketch pad into your lap again. "Draw the portal." He demands, his voice suddenly cold.

"No." You answer defiantly.

He uncaps the pen and forces it into your hand, holding it there. "Draw it."

"You'll have to kill me." You close your fist in attempt to shatter the pen. It doesn't work, unfortunately.

"Oh we will." A crooked smile tweaks at Oliver's lips. "But only after we get what we want."

"You said-!" Ethan lurches forward out of Matt's grip but Allen takes over and pulls him into a headlock. Ethan scratches at Allen's leather coat, indicating his airway was probably constricted.

"Hey!" You pull against your restraints. He may be a traitor but he was your friend at one point. Seeing the light fade from his eyes pulled at a few heart strings. "Let him go!" You demand. And to think you'd just condemned him for his lack of loyalty...

Allen chuckles. "Looks like we hit a soft spot." His tightens his arm around Ethan's neck.

Oliver grins. "Draw the portal and we let him live."

Maybe he wasn't that good of a friend. But watching another person die... "Fine!" You yell. "I'll do it!" You had a plan.

Oliver sighed in relief. "Oh goody." He looked to Allen. "Tie him up."

Allen dropped Ethan to the floor. He started coughing ans heaving for air. Oliver removed your restraints and grabbed the colar of your shirt, dragging you away so Ethan could take your place. As soon as Ethan was tied down, Oliver shoved you down at the table and place the paper and pen in front of you. "Don't try anything funny, now." He threatened in a low voice.

"I need some water and some peace and quiet." You glare up at him.

"Get her some water." Oliver looked at Matt. He did as he was told and soon you had a glass in front of you. "We will be in the hallway. Try anything, and your boyfriend will be dead before you can say portal."

Good thing my boyfriend is an immortal country and not in this world. You want to laugh. "Fine." You keep a straight face.

As they leave, they make sure Ethan's chair is angled just so he can watch you out of his eye but cannot see the hallway of which they vanished down. As soon as they were put of sight, you put the pen to the paper and drew a few random lines so it looked like you had tried even just a little bit. When satisfied with the amount of lines, you silently moved the glass of water to the edge of the table, right by your elbow.

Ethan was watching you, straining to see what was going on. You looked at him, and with a small smile on your face, you nudge the glass over the edge of the table. It shattered on the tiles in an explosion of water and deadly shards. You screamed to make it seem like and accident before dropping to your knees beside the wreckage.

"What happend?" Allen was the first to come in. He looked ready to hunt you down if need be.

"I-" You tried to sound remorseful. "I knocked the glass off." You searched for the sharpest shard. You quickly swipe one up and slip it down your cast before Allen reaches your side and cleans up the mess.

You try to help. "Sit down and draw." He snaps. "Focus."

Satisfied that you'd gotten your hands on something sharp, you did as you were told and returned to your drawing. You sat down and drew the outline of a door... not the door. They wouldn't know, right? Allen finished sweeping the glass away and stood up, grunting. "Hurry up."

You nodded. "S-sorry." You stuttered, your eyes widening. Trying to act afraid was harder than you'd thought. As soon as Allen was back out in the hallway, you slipped the glass out of your cast and brought it to the uncovered flesh.

"What are you doing?" Ethan whispers.

You ignore him and press the sharpnedge into your skin.


You spell. Gilbert was surely by your side right now and he would hopefully be able to see the new wounds you'd self-inflicted. There was no other way to contact him. You stare at the new cuts. There was something you needed to add.

The river

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