8. The Explanation

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You pause, a piece of bread halfway up to your mouth.  All eyes are on you and no one was eating.  You put the bread back down on your plate.  "That would be nice." You say, folding your hands in your lap.

Roderich took a sip of tea peered at you over the rims of his glasses.  "I'm going to be blunt about this." He says.  You brace yourself.  "You are a portal runner."

You frown.  "What?" You'd expected much worse.

"A portal runner." Roderich repeats.  He puts his teacup back in it's saucer.  "It means you can travel through worlds via the portals that connect them.  Only a few humans have been able to do this over the centuries.  Humans such as Joan of arc and an insignificant young man named Davie." 

"What do you mean insignificant?" In your mind, no one is insignificant. 

Roderich catches onto your bitter tone and raises an eyebrow.  "Tell me, (Y/n)," His eyes narrow.  "Have you ever heard of Davie?  Is he important in your world?  Is he an important historical figure?"

You frown at him.  "No I have never heard of Davie but that by no means signifies he had no importance."

There is a silence.  "Well said." Gilbert says when it got to awkward. 

"Anyway," Roderich continues.  "Only a few humans have been able to do what you do.  And..." He looks around the table uncertainly.  "It's never ended well for us or the humans."

"You keep saying humans as if you aren't one." You cast an accusing glare around the table.  "What's going on?"

"We're immortal." Gilbert blurts when no one makes a move to answer you. 

"Gilbert!" Roderich scolds. He looks furious.

"Well she has the right to know." Gilbert snaps back.  "(Y/n) is going to be paying us visits until he day she dies."

There was another silence.  Feliciano caught your eye.  He watches you sadly.  "Alright so I get that you're immortal, but how does that make you 'not human'?"

"We're countries." Gilbert makes sure he has eye contact with you as he tells you.  "Most of us, anyway.  As long as the country we represent is still functional in your world, we stay alive." 

You let out a nervous laugh.  "You expect me to believe you are all countries?" You laugh louder.  "Don't you know how absurd that sounds?" Panic starts to set in.  First, your dreams are real and now countries ar people?  What is going on?

"(Y/n), please calm down." Elizaveta pleads.  "I know this is a lot to take in, but we need you to accept what we are telling you.  It's essential for your survival here.  Not all nations seems to remember humans are... 'breakable' for lack of a better word." She stares across the table at you with intense green eyes.

You stare back.  "Fine." You close your eyes and take a deep breath.  "You're countries.  What now?"

"There is so much to tell you." Kiku speaks up.  All eyes turn to him.  "Maybe this was enough for today." He glances at his fellow countries.  His eyes never fall on you.

"I suppose you are right." Roderich picks up his teacup and takes a sip of the steaming liquid inside. 

"Where is the garden?" You ask.  You felt slightly overwhelmed.  "I know you have one because Kiku said he harvested the strawberries there." 

Elizaveta sighed.  "Through the glass doors in the kitchen." She said.  You breathe in and nod.

You stood up and followed her directions.  The kitchen was still warm from all the cookirand smelt of bread and meat.  You pushed through the glass doors and only started breathing once you hit fresh air.

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