13. Naked

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The bathroom you shut yourself in was neat. The towels were perfectly folded on the towel rack, the soaps and other hygienic products were colour coded and the porcelain appliances were kept spotless.

You rush to turn on the shower, hopping it will drown out the sound of your pounding heart. The steam from the hot water wasn't helping the blush in your cheeks disappear, though.

"I got you some clothes!" Gilbert announces as he enters the bathroom. He throws a bundle of cloth onto the bathroom counter. "Are you alright?" He asks.

At the moment, you are struggling to get your casted arm out of your sleeve. "I'm stuck." You look away from him. "And I also need a plastic bag or something so my cast doesn't get wet."

Gilbert goes to the cabinet under the sink and pulls out a plastic shopping bag. "Let me help you." He says, reaching towards the shirt that had bunched around your cast.

You hesitate. Just because you had shared a bed doesn't necessarily mean you were ready for him to undress you. "I'm ok." You end up saying, shying away from his hand.

He scoffs and takes another step towards you. "I'll close my eyes; promise."

Your breath hitches. "Fine." You conceed. "But if you so much as take a peek, I'll whack you with my cast."

Gilbert holds up his hands in surrender. "Got it." He reaches out and gently starts to ease your shirt over the cast. Once that is done, and he has located the other sleeve, he closes his eyes and lets you guide his hands.

Once the shirt is off, you attempt to work on your skirt but find in nearly impossible to unzip the zipper in the back with one hand. With a sigh, you guide Gilbert's hands to the zipper. "Just het this over with." You groan.

He did as he was told and yanked the zipper down, letting the skirt drop to the floor. "Is that all?" He asks quietly.

"The bag... but I think I'll be able to get out of my underwear on my own, thanks." You press the plastic bag into his hand and slip your arm in. He quickly knots the bag around the base of the cast and let's his hands drop to his sides.

"I'll go now." He says awkwardly. "Could you face me towards the door please?"

You comply and turn him so he is facing the exit. He takes careful steps forward, fumbles with the doorknob for a second, opens the door and rushes out.

Once he's gone, you reach behind you in attempt to unhook your bra clasp. Unfortunately, you weren't as flexible as you originally thought. "Shit." You hiss.

"Gilbert! I need you to do one more thing for me." You walk to the bathroom door and crack it open. You freeze at the scene before you. Gilbert stands by his dresser, butt naked. He stares at you, wide eyed. You scream and slam the door shut. "I'm sorry!" You yell.

There are a few seconds of silence before there's a knock on the door. "I have pants on." Gilbert's muffled voice reaches your ears. "What do you need?"

Your hands shake. The image of his naked body flashes through your mind and your body jolts with a shuder. Oh God(s), he is muscular . "U-umm..." You stutter uncertainly. "I need help undoing my b-bra.

There's another silence. "May I come in?"

"Um..." You scramble to open the door. "Yeah." You say and open it.

Gilbert's eyes settle on your bra clad chest. You punch him in the stomach lightly and remind him to close his eyes. "Ok turn around." I instructs you. You do as you are told. His cool fingers brush against your spine as he unhooks the clasp. "Done."

You hold the bra to your chest. "Thanks." You push him out and hip-check the door closed.

"Oh and (Y/n)!" Gilbert calls through the door as you step under the warm water. "Nice ass!" He snickers.

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