18. Coma

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You think you are asleep... but you haven't had real sleep in days... weeks? You weren't back with Gilbert and the others but you also weren't conscious in your world.

You'd only been conscious for a few fleeting moments in the car with Ethan. He told you he was bringing you to the hospital. Was it your arm? No. You couldn't feel that. You couldn't feel anything.

Fear gripped you. What was happening? You couldn't scream. Hell, you couldn't move.

It was dark. It was silent. And that's it.


"I know you won't be able to answer me, but at least I will have the chance to explain myself before you hate me.

"I'm not who you think I am, (Y/n). I suppose at one point in time I was that person... but he's gone now. And it all started with magic.

"I used to have a sister. We were twins. Her name was Olivia and we did everything together. I helped her with her housework and in return she would help me with the physical labour jobs I had to perform on our farm. We spent our afternoons wandering around the fields and the forests. But most of all, we practiced magic.

"She was really amazing. She could move objects without even touching them and heal people even when they were on the brink of death. I, however, had less fascinating abilities. The only magic I could really claim as my own was borrowing. That's what I do. I borrow powers from others and use them to my own advantage. I suppose another ability of mine is turning back age... but we'll get to that later.

"But I borrowed magic from Olivia. Of course, I always returned it but it did take a lot of her energy as well. I'd only borrow from her once a week if she said it was alright. I eventually learnt how to ration the magic that was leant to me.

"I also borrowed from you. And that's why you're here now. I borrowed too much. Now you are in a hospital bed, in a coma.

"One night, Olivia and I went into town. She had promised to heal one of her friend's mother. We saw no harm in that; just as long as no one found out. Magic was seen as something evil back then. Everyone who could wield it was to be put to death.

"After Olivia had finished healing the woman, we packed up our supplies, took our payment and walked out into the night... and into the hands of angry townspeople.

"They'd only seen Olivia using magic. Not me. They grabbed her. I fought for her. I really did. She was my best friend. I knew what they were going to do to her. She knew too.

"She was tied to a stake and burned. I can still hear her sc-

"... I can still hear her screams and smell her flesh burning. My sister. My other half.

"But the thing that I still see every night as I close my eyes is the blond man. He had magic too. I knew he did. And he could have saved her. But he didn't. He watched. He watched an innocent girl burn.

"You must know him. Arthur Kirkland. That's what he said his name was. He offered to help me with my magic. But all I could think was that only if he'd turned up the day before, Olivia would still be alive. It was his fault. He was there as she died and he must have known she had stronger magic than me. But all he did was watch.

"I'm doing this from my sister, (Y/n). For my sister and to get revenge on that man. I know what he is. He might be immortal but I know someone who can kill him.

"All we need now, is a portal. And you have some of those. Right. Here."

You felt something.

You felt a cold finger tapping against your forehead; right in between your eyes.

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