9. Prussia in the Garden

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Outside seems surreal. The air smells sweeter (and cleaner), the grass is greener and the sun shines brighter. You make your way through the plush grass, trying to find somewhere comfortable to sit.

The sound of running water attracks your attention. It sounds like the river that runs behind your house. It always manages to calm you.

There is a tall hedge running along the back of the garden. The water sounds like it is coming from there. You follow a thin path made in the grass by repetitive use. By animals or people... um... countries, you didn't know.

The terrain stared to slope downwards after you passed the hedge and the sound of running water got louder. Soon enough, the twinkling surface of running water came into view.

A smile reached your lips and you picked up your pace to reach the river faster. Once close enougb to the water, you pull off your black tights and throw them to the side. Now you are able to dip your feet into the cold water.

"(Y/n)." Gilbert's voice sounds behind you. You turn slightly and meet his ruby eyes. He approaches the riverbank. "May I sit beside you?" He asks softly. It seemed out of character for him to be acting so calm.

You nod and he takes his place. "I'm not scared." You say, looking down at your feet. Your skin was paling due to the cold water.

He sat silently, watching you. "You're allowed to be."

You shrug. "Well next time I wake up, I'll be in my own bed." There is a silence. "So if you're all countries, which one are you?"

Gilbert's grin returns. "Prussia!" He nearly screams.

You suppress a giggle. "But Prussia isn't a country anymore."

He frowns at you. "Shut up!" He leans forward and gives your shoulder a soft shove. "Technically now I am East Germany but that's also a lame name. So I stick with Prussia."

A grin spreads across your face. "So who is West Germany? Ludwig?"

"Ja, mein kleiner Bruder." He sighs as if he is remembering something. "He used to be so adorable, you know? Now he's all bristly and boring."

"There, there." You pat his shoulder as if to comfort him. "Babies don't last forever, you know."

"I guess I'll just have to make some of my own." A malicious look spreads over his face. He turns to you. "Do you..." Your heart skips a beat. "Do you think Elizabeta would make babies with me."

You are unsure if you should be disappointed or not. "Uh..." You look away from him and back at your feet in the water. "I can't say. I don't know her well enough."

Gilbert shrugs. "I guess you're right. I'll have to ask her myself then." There's an awkward silence. "Do you have anyone back in your world? You know, someone you'd like to make babies with."

Your mind momentarily pops back to Ethan. "No." You said flatly. "The only babies I wanted in my world were art babies. And now my art ovaries are all dried up."

"I am well versed in art." Gilbert comments. You look over at him trying to figure out what type of art he is good at. "The art of being awesome!" He crows at the top of his lungs.

"Jesus!" You press your palms over your ears. "Could be any more loud?" You glare at him.

"Yes. Yes I could." He opens his mouth to yell again but you lunge across the grass at him and clap your hand over his mouth. His ruby eyes lock with yours and you can feel him grin against your palm. Slowly, a cold, slimy sensation runs up your hand.

You jerk it away from his mouth with a scowl. "Did you just lick me?" You scream, dunking you hand in the cold river water to wash it off. Gilbert just smiles proudly at you.

"Gilbert!" Ludwig's tenor voice grabs both of your attention. "Bring (Y/n) back to the house! Arthur is here!"

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