Unbroken: Harry Styles Fanfiction

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Everyone in this world has a true love, but there comes a time when you have to go through hell to find that one person. In the end, love will conquer all.

- H. D. W.


Every muscle in my body screamed in agony. All I wanted to do was to get rid of this filth that covered me from head to toe. As I turned the doorknob to my house, I tried my best to not let my mother or sister hear my whimpers. Every step I took, felt like I was walking on a tight rope. I stumbled trying to reach the staircase, taking a few pictures with me. I thanked God that the path to my staircase was carpet; I didn't think I could stand the sound of broken glass ever again. As soon as I reached the stairs, I thought to myself, how the hell am I going to get myself to my safe haven I call my room.

My weak legs trembled at every step; I felt that they were going to give out on me at any second. The only possible way I could make it to the top, was if I crawled or I sat on my butt and pulled myself up with the only upper body strength I still had in me. I choose the second option, praying that all those late nights at the gym would pay off. About ten minutes of hell, I was finally at the top of the stairs. I looked down, thinking to myself, one little 'accidental trip' and all my pain would be over. One little trip and I would not have to endure all the glares, stares and horrific words. A small tear escaped out of the corner of my eye as I turned to see a picture of my now broken family. Thoughts helped me escape my suicidal ideas. How could I leave my mom, my brother and sister at a time like this? My family is at a vulnerable state right now, one more blow and for sure, it would be the end to the ones I truly love.

Turning away from the stairs, I made my way to my safe haven. As soon as I reached the door to my room, I boosted myself up with the doorknob. My legs felt well enough to stand on, but not to the point of even walking another mile. Locking the door behind me, I slowly walked to my bathroom. I thought I would be strong enough to look at myself in the mirror, but I thought wrong. Looking in the mirror, I saw someone that did not resemble me. My light brown wavy hair looked like it had been blown by a leaf blower. My dark blue eyes looked bloodshot and my face was covered in tiny scrapes from all the branches that attacked me in the dark cool night. The side of my forehead had a medium sized wound that was probably from when I rolled down the hill near the cabin. I looked at the dry blood that came from my nose and the split lip from when his fist met my face. Dirt covered every inch of my body. Dirt in my hair, nail beds, face, hands and legs.

I finally decided to turn away; my own reflection scared me too much. Removing my tattered white tank top, my damp blue jean shorts and my dirty underclothing, I threw them to the side. Stepping inside my shower, I turned the water on full blast. I sat on the cool tile and looked at all the dirt that slowly washed away from my body. My skin began to turn a bright red as an effect of the scolding water. Grabbing my loofah, I began to scrub every inch of me. I looked at the bottom of my feet and saw dry blood and grass stains. Taking my loofah, I cleaned the bottom of my feet until they were spotless. I made my way up my legs and saw small scraps from when I fell numerous times. My loofah erased the evidence of every bit of filth that covered my body. After I scrubbed every inch of me, I grabbed my shampoo bottle and began to wash my hair. Looking down at the drain, I saw small pieces of grass, leaves and tiny pieces of tree branches. Thirty minutes of just sitting under the scolding water, surprisingly relaxed me. I slowly stood up in the shower and turned off the water as I made my way to find the closest towel near me. The feeling of the soft warm material against my skin made me feel protected. I grabbed my brush and I began to gently take away any tangles that formed in my hair. My light brown hair became soft and smooth allowing me to put it in a thick braid.

Wiping away the vapor on the mirror, I was ready to see my reflection. My dark blue eyes stared right back at me. My skin was soft and pale, my lengthy chestnut hair laid on my right shoulder and my barely there freckles laid on the top of my cheeks. The only part of me that looked different was the small gash on the side of my forehead, my split lip and a purplish bruise that began to form on the side of my face. But even looking at myself in the mirror, I knew that I would never be the same. I couldn't stand looking at myself anymore, so I turned away from my mirror and went into my closet and grabbed an oversized white tee and my underclothing. As soon as I put my clothing on, I saw pictures of me and him together on my dresser. One picture was with me on his shoulders. Another one was with the two of us kissing. There was one that we took in a photo booth and another that we took when we went to the beach. The one that haunted me the most was the one where he had his muscular arms around me. I still felt his hands run up and down my small body. I could picture him grabbing me and throwing me on the bed.

Taking that picture, I threw it to the floor. Hearing the sound of breaking glass made me cringe. I began to rip all the photos we took together; ripping them to pieces making sure his face was unrecognizable. I threw away the Michael Kors watch he had given me for our two month anniversary. His baseball cap, his football jersey, his surfer necklace and all the notes we had written to each other during class, ended up in the trash. It had only taken me five minutes to get rid of anything and everything that was his. I grabbed my wastebasket and walked towards my door to throw it all away, and then I stepped on broken glass. I tried so hard not to scream out in agony but my voice refused. Fearing that I woke up my mom, I quickly got up and hopped on my right foot, trying to hide everything but my mom was at my door within seconds. "Crap..." I silently cursed to myself. "Carter! What happened?! Are you alright?" She was at my side holding me up. "Y-yeah I am, it was just a simple mishap, nothing to worry about." "A simple mishap!? Carter! Your foot is bleeding and why do you have Trevor's things in the trash!? Oh. My. God! Why is your cheek purple?! Carter Noel! What the hell is going on!?" I thought that I could hold it all in, but I was wrong yet again. I broke down in tears, right in front of my mom. Falling to the floor, I grabbed the waste basket and threw it to the door, scattering everything. My mom held me tight in her arms, and in that moment I felt protected. "Carter please answer me, what happened tonight?" Her light blue eyes shed several tears. "T-T-Trevor, h-he t-tried to.." I didn't even have to try to finish the sentence, my mom knew right away.

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