Chapter Fourteen

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Carter's POV:

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. My knee was killing me. The pain was unbearable but to be honest, I've gone through worse. I quietly got up from my bed and saw Leslie and Natalie still asleep in fetal position. The time was quarter past six. Why was I up so early? I asked myself. I limped towards the closet to get my uniform, when I noticed rain drops began to fall down the bay window. The clouds were dark and disturbing, making me feel scared and vulnerable. For the past couple of hours, I couldn't get my mind off of Noah and Harry. All throughout the night I kept thinking back to the text Harry sent me: Believe what you want to believe. It's up to you.

Believe what you want to believe. Those few words replayed in my head for the past couple of minutes. I leaned against the side of the bay window and held a throw pillow tightly to my chest. Why was I so confused? My mind told me to listen to Noah, but my heart told me to believe Harry. I clenched the soft pillow and put it over my face. With one deep breath, I let out a muffled scream. I was tired of not knowing. Not knowing who to believe, not knowing who to trust and not knowing who is best for me.

My mind wandered between Noah and Harry to just Harry. When Harry and I were talking, it felt real. It was like we were actually having a decent conversation. Everything was normal for once, until he mentioned who I was texting. There was no way I couldn't tell him, he wouldn't understand. I didn't even know who I was texting. A part of me believes it was Trevor but I knew that if it was him, he would have come out and said it. One part of me wondered why Harry seemed so protective of me. We are just friends. When he asked me if I wanted to get to know him more, I made sure that I told him only as friends. I couldn't afford to get involved with someone like him. He was similar to the one person I was afraid of, but deep down inside, I knew I couldn't be afraid of Harry. I let out a sarcastic laugh when I realized that I just woke up and I was already thinking way too much about Harry Styles. I sighed as I grabbed my uniform from my dresser and slipped it on.

Instead of a blazer, I looked at the sweater Noah let me wear when it was pouring rain a couple of days ago. I debated if I should put it on. Brentwood policy stated that it is permitted for students to wear proper attire during UK weather changes. Well considering it is pouring rain outside, I think it would be a good idea to wear a hoodie. I took it off its hanger and slipped it over my head. It still smelled like him, Abercrombie and Fitch cologne. I smiled to myself as his hoodie kept me warm from my cool dorm room. Looking at myself in the full length mirror, I noticed my long light brown hair was dark and in soft waves. I sighed when I realized my hair would frizz up from the rain, so I put it in a messy bun. My watch read twenty five minutes until seven. I quickly brushed my teeth and came back to see Natalie and Leslie were still asleep in the same position as before. I laughed to myself as I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my backpack from the side of my bed. I quickly applied a light amount of makeup before I left the room. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and looked at the time: 6:50 AM. If I left now, I would be able to get to class and study for the upcoming quiz. Maybe if I was alone in a room, I will be able to think solely on my notes and nothing else that was running through my mind.


I walked across the quad and noticed how empty everything looked. I was the only student outside walking to class. I guess that was because it was seven in the morning and most of the students were probably waking up about now. The grass was mushy and the sky made Brentwood look haunting. I held onto the straps of my black Jansport backpack and shivered when cool air hit the back of my bare legs. I began to scurry to class when I heard a loud rumble come from the sky above.

As soon as I made it to Mr. Hastings' class, I noticed I was finally all alone in a room. I slowly sat down in my desk and pulled out my notebook. Thunder shook the window panes, causing me to jump. Everything made me feel uneasy. It was like I felt someone watching me from afar. I turned back and saw rows of desks behind me. Nobody was in sight. I was alone.

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