Chapter Twenty

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Writer’s note:

Hey guys I just needed to say something before you read the next chapter. Please read! I know a lot of you are going to skip this but I still want to put it out there. Unbroken, to me, is not like a normal fanfiction where the main character and one of the boys fall in love in a matter of a few chapters. To me it has a storyline, something that is important and needed for a story to grow. With every story there comes jaw dropping moments and some eh moments but you need to realize that not every scene is going to have Harry in it. Carter has another love interest in the story as well and I am sad to say but if you do not like that then it’s your choice on if you want to keep reading or not. I hope you understand that I do not want it to be an actual fanfiction. I write what I want to happen so it’s up to me hehe…Sometimes my ideas change on what is about to happen so you never know. I like keeping you guys guessing(; Like I said before, Unbroken is like a story with a storyline and one more thing…please don’t pressure me in updating. If you haven’t heard I am a college student and it is really difficult to write and study. Whenever I have a chance, I write but it does take time since I do write pages. Thank you guys for reading if you did and I hope you guys enjoy chapter 20.


Carter’s POV:


Before school started, I made a quick run around the track hoping to get my mind off of what Natalie told me or what little she told me. When I asked how the hell both of them could be friends, let alone best friends without wanting to rip each other’s throats out, she said he was different during freshman year, just like she told me on Friday. He wasn’t a ‘womanizer’ which made it easier for Natalie and him to have a friendship that lasted less than a year. I asked her if she had feelings for him during the time they were best friends and she quickly replied with a sadistic laugh and a hell no.

Ten minutes of running helped clear my mind. I wanted to keep on going but my knee was giving me a sharp pain, so I stopped but that only caused the deep thoughts to rush back to me. What if they were in a relationship? What if they had a physical relationship? What if they liked each other? My palm hit the side of my head repeatedly, trying to get my mind off of those never ending questions, but it only caused a painful headache.

I quickly took a hot shower to let the heat loosen my stiff body. By seven o’clock I was out the door ready to start a yet another day. Maybe, just maybe, something will go well.


“If we fail the chemistry test today, I’ll be ready to sign myself up as a street walker.” Natalie stated with a sigh. Even though I knew I was good at chemistry, a part of me was still nervous and dreading the worst that could happen. My own ideas of what happened between Natalie and Harry overpowered my concentration of even glancing at Mrs. Harrington’s study guide she gave us. Just imagining them having something more than a platonic relationship caused my focus to turn away from every little thing I should keep my mind on.

“What the hell is a street walker?” I said while putting my books down on my desk, noticing Mr. Hastings wasn’t in the class yet.

“I don’t know, but it sure as hell beats doing school work.”

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