Chapter Seventeen Part One

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Carter’s POV:

When Harry began to reverse out of the driveway, my body remained still. I couldn’t think, nor could I breathe. Everything around me moved in slow motion. I was trying to process what he said to me only a few minutes ago. Because of you Carter, I don’t want to be that guy anymore. The way he said it, made something in me ignite. He does not want to be that guy that I expected him to be when I first laid eyes on him. He was changing and part of me kept going back to that one thought: Was he changing for me?

My feet were glued to the graveled driveway beneath me, but I started to break out into a slow jog. Then a full out run. I wanted to stop him from leaving. From driving away from me. But as I got to the end of the driveway, I saw the lights of his car beginning to fade in the thick gray morning fog. My arms laid limp to the side of me waiting for nothing. I wanted to rewind back to the moment where it was just the two of us in his car, me sitting right beside him in the passenger seat and us not saying anything at all. Knowing he was there next to me. Hearing the sound of our own steady breathing. Just to be with him.

The sound of gravel crunched behind me as I turned and saw Sophie with a wide grin. She stopped walking and put her hands on her hips. I guess she was expecting me to break into a run and give her a hug, but I just stood there looking at the empty road right in front of me. Harry was gone. And I still stood at the end of the driveway holding my breath and shivering from the cool air that kept reminding me what just happened, was real. It wasn’t a dream. Nothing about our conversation we had in that hour long car ride was a figment of my own imagination.

“Carter Noel, what’s wrong?” Sophie’s soft voice was near. “Did you forget something in your friend’s car?” Yeah, a part of me that I never thought I would give to a guy ever again. My heart.

“What?” I turned around and walked towards her. “Oh. No, I just forgot to tell hi–” I stopped myself before Sophie could question me on I thought you said it was a she that was dropping you off. Lies on top of lies. “Her! Her the time she needs to pick me up. That’s all.” I stopped a couple of feet from her brown riding boots. “I missed you Soph.”

“Same here Carter! You haven’t called me or informed me what’s been going on in your life!” She pulled me in for a hug as my hands fell on my side again. Her hugs back then were always comforting and warm, but for some reason, I felt lost and hollow.

I wrapped my arms around her back and gave her a small smile as to say sorry for not calling you. “Yeah, well I’ve been busy with school work and other things.” My fingers were turning cold as I pulled them into my sweater. Sophie looked unharmed from the cool wind that would hit the side of our face. I’m guessing she became accustomed to this weather. Me on the other hand, I was shaking in my converse.

“Well, just remember to have some time to yourself.” Time to myself, meant thinking. About Harry. About my feelings towards him. Was I up for that?

“I can’t really think in this weather. I can barely feel my toes.” I said as I hugged myself tighter. Sophie laughed and pulled me towards her large colonial house.

“We better get you inside before you come down with a cold. Your mother will have my head on a platter if she found out it was because of me. Maybe in an hour we can go to a coffee shop in downtown London.” My teeth chattered as I nodded my head. “You have to tell me about your first couple of days at Brentwood. I want to hear everything.” If I told you everything, you wouldn’t be happy. You would be pissed. Because just about everything that has happened in the past couple of days revolved around Harry Styles.

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