Chapter Thirteen

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Noah’s POV:

I watched as Harry kicked the soccer ball right into the net that was yards away. That kick was fast and full of anger; I couldn’t help but think if he actually had growing feelings towards Carter. Harry was pissed, I could see it in his eyes and I could feel it. His body shook with anger and his nose flared up. He only did that when he was really livid. And the fact that I was pissing him off was amusing to me. He has ticked me off so many times before and to finally be able to get back at him was one of the best feelings in the world. I had power over him, I had something he wants. I had Carter.

I have liked Carter since the first time I laid eyes on her. She is beautiful and once I got to know her, I found out how different she is from most girls here at Brentwood. She is the one of the only girls here at Brentwood that doesn’t have that kind of sexual feeling towards Harry and that was a definite turn on.

“I find it ironic Harry…” I took a step back and crossed my arms around my chest. Harry glared at me and moved forward. Louis stepped right in front of him and held him back.

“You find what ironic Noah?” Harry seethed. I looked at him and felt a smirk beginning for form. He had his fists clenched and I had a feeling Louis wouldn’t be able to hold him back after what I was about to say.

“I find it ironic that the one girl you fancy doesn’t fancy you back…” I scratched my head and smiled at him.

“I-I don’t know what you mea-” Harry looked down and scratched the back of his head. He was nervous, he knows I know he likes her.

“Don’t give me that shit Harry. We all know you have a soft spot for Carter.” He turned around and looked at Louis. His breathing was rough and hoarse, I heard Louis mumble calm down Harry. “But doesn’t it suck that you can’t have her? The fact that she isn’t going to open her legs for the one and only Harry Styles? The fact that she doesn’t like you?” I took a step towards him and grinned. “The fact that you can’t have her?” Before I knew it, he broke away from Louis. A part of me wanted to run but I stood tall.

“You little bastard!” In one swift movement, Harry’s fist met the side of my jaw for the second time. I felt a crack as I fell to the ground. My vision blurred and my eyes began to water. The taste of blood filled my mouth as my back met the cool grass. I would be lying if I didn’t say that hurt like hell. Harry walked towards me and stood over me with a smirk on his face.

“I’ve been waiting to do that since you laid eyes on her.” He kneeled over me and his grin grew. “You hurt her Parks and I swear to God that will be the last thing you do.” I turned over and spit blood out of my mouth. Red liquid came out of my mouth; the taste was stale.

“I would never hurt her Harry. I’m not like you.” I mumbled as I began to get up, but Harry grabbed me by the front of my black v-neck and looked at me directly in the eyes.

“Don’t you dare give me that Noah. You of all people know the type of person I am.” Harry whispered in front of me. His eyes turned dark and his grip tightened around my shirt.

“Don’t you think that is plenty reason for most of us to protect Carter from you? Liam told me what you did to her. You fucking hurt her Harry!” I boosted myself up and grabbed Harry’s hand from my shirt. “You don’t deserve her Harry. You don’t fucking deserve a girl like Carter.” I shook his grasp and pushed him back with enough force to make him stumble.

“I-I didn’t mean to hurt her Noah. I was-” He stood up and clenched his fists again. I saw his left bandage had fresh new bloodstains on the gauze.

“Angry? At what she told you? Harry! She was telling you what most girls here want to say to your face! You can’t stand the fact that a girl is actually standing up for herself!” He shook his head and looked at me.

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