Chapter Sixteen

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Carter's POV:

My eyes opened slightly around my dorm room. The sound of light rain hit the bay window and small flashes of lightning lit the room every couple of seconds. I pulled the covers up above my nose and felt the need to stay in bed, but when I turned around to see what time it was I threw my covers to the side and ran into the closet. The time was 5:45 AM and Harry was going to be waiting for me in fifteen minutes.

I struggled to put on a pair of my favorite pair of dark wash skinny jeans since I didn't want to turn the closet light on and wake up Nat and Leslie. I grabbed the softest sweater next to me and pulled it over my head. My hair was all over the place, so I did my best in putting it in a messy bun. By the time I got out of the restroom from washing my face and brushing my teeth, a note slid under the bottom of the door:

Waiting for you outside. Hope you don't change your mind. If you did, I am going to have to rethink about buying you Chinese;P -H

I laughed to myself as I stuffed the note in my pockets of my jeans. The clock read 5:55 AM so I quickly applied a light amount of makeup and ran across the room to put on my white converse. My reflection in the mirror looked decent. A light pink oversized sweater kept me warm from the chilly weather that seemed to seep through the cracks of the windows and into the dorm room. I grabbed a piece of paper from the desk right next to the mirror and wrote a note to Natalie and Leslie.

I didn't want to wake you guys up. It's almost six and I know how tired you guys are. My aunt is here to pick me up so I will see you guys by the end of the day! Have fun! - Carter

I grabbed my phone and key from my nightstand and made my way to the elevator. By the time I made it downstairs, Harry was outside by the doorway with his hands in his jean pockets. Before he turned around, I couldn't help but stare at him. His dark brown curls were held back in a maroon beanie, but pieces peeked out near his ears. The side of his jaw was strong and definite in the cool weather. A dark jacket was clasped in his large hands as a gray sweater covered the upper half of his toned body. I put my fingers to my lips when I noticed he was wearing the same necklace he always wore. The silver chain with the ring that hung from the bottom. Harry crossed his arms and looked directly towards the parking lot. His lips were a light red and slightly chapped, and his cheeks were faintly pink. Black skinny jeans clung to his legs and the pair of his worn out white converse were placed firmly on the ground while he leaned against the doorway. I took a step and it was like he heard me. His green eyes lit up when he saw me walking towards him. By the time I made it to the door, he opened it for me and put his jacket over my head to keep the rain from hitting me.

"You don't have to do that Harry." I pushed his arms away gently but he stayed put.

"Well I don't want you to get sick." His dimples deepened as he put his arm around my shoulder and walked me to his car. I was about to walk towards the right side of his black Range Rover when I heard him chuckle. "So I take it you want to drive?"

"What?" He pointed at the steering wheel and I saw it was on the right side. Hello Carter, you are in the UK. They drive on the left not the right. I felt my cheeks turn a scarlet red as he bit his lip, trying his best not to laugh. "Well do you trust me with your car?" I said with a smirk. Harry took that gesture and grabbed his keys from his jean pocket.

"Want to give it a go?"

"I was kidding Harry. I'll probably have your car wrapped around a light post in seconds. I don't know how to drive on the right, and look at the weather. It's like you have a death wish!" He threw his head back and laughed. I licked my lips and stared at his neck. He was laughing exactly like he was in the picture I took of him days before; except his curls were hidden behind a beanie and he didn't have his maroon football hoodie on. He still looked breath taking.

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