Chapter Five

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"Excuse me sweetie, can you please buckle your seat belt? We are about to land." I rubbed my eyes and saw the flight attendant looking at me eagerly with a creepy smile on her face.

 "Um yeah sure..." I mumbled while buckling up. I checked my phone and saw that it was 3:45 AM. Five hours on the plane didn't seem like a long time, being that I fell asleep for most of it.

 I heard a cheery voice coming from the planes intercom system. "It is currently August 15. Time in London is 3:45 AM. Weather is slightly chilly but other than that I am glad to say the flight went very well. Thank you for flying United and we hope to see you real soon!" I rolled my eyes at the young flight attendant. Nobody is that chirpy at three freakin AM.

 I opened the screen from the window and I was surprised to see the city lights of London brightening the city.  Even though the sky was pitch black, everything was glowing in pure darkness.  Every bit of the city looked so breathtaking. As we neared the airport, I could make out the small houses or flats (London term for house, I looked it up in my handy English Dictionary) and I would occasionally see small vehicles making their way to their early morning destination.  I put my hand on the window and found that it was quite cool, something that was different for me at this time of the year.  Looking out the window one last time before I lost sight of the breathtaking view, I sent Spence and Jake a quick Snapchat.  The signal was unreachable so I waited to send it when the plane landed.  I took several pictures of the view of London from above so I could show them to my mom. I wish they could experience this with me; they would be just as excited as I am.  While looking at the sky, I felt like I was a bird heading to find its new home, not exactly knowing what to expect, I mean as of right now all I could see was compete obscurity. We just entered the outskirts of London and looking down at the ground beneath me; it was like dark silk covering those that needed to be protected. I wanted to be one of those that were secured from harm’s way.

My life for the next school year was going to be in a foreign country. A place I was not familiar with. I grinned to myself, completely aware of what I set myself up to. When we landed I grabbed my backpack from the compartment above my seat and stuffed my purse inside. I hated that thing. Making my way off the plane, my legs felt tingly from the long flight coming from Maine.


 As I made my way towards baggage claim, I could practically see Sophie standing on her toes while holding Will for support. Her light brown auburn hair was pulled back in a tight bun and she had her yoga clothes on. If it wasn't for her hair, I would've thought she was my mom. William stood right next to her, smiling at something Sophie had said. His brown hair was slicked back and he had his golfing clothes on. For being thirty, they both looked really young, kind of like teenagers.

"Carter! Over here!" She waved at me excitedly. Who knew she was a morning person.

"Sophie! William!" I said while breaking in for a jog. In a couple of seconds, I stood right in front of them. I'm glad they had each other, they looked really happy together.

 "Come here Carter and give me a hug!" Sophie said while eagerly pulling me in for a warm embrace. "My goodness! Did you get taller since the wedding?" I pulled away and gave her a smile. Her barely there freckles laid on her cheeks and she showed no signs of aging any time soon.

 "Your wedding was three weeks ago, I doubt I've grown since then." I laughed when she showed me the rock on the fourth finger on her left hand.

 "Thanks again Carter for helping us plan the wedding. If it wasn't for your help I'm pretty sure Soph would've gone crazy with all flower arrangements." William said with a grin.

 "Hey, I needed to get my mind off of some things from this summer so I thought what the hell, I'll help out my favorite aunt and soon to be favorite uncle with their wedding!" I said with a small smile. As soon as I said I mentioned the beginning of summer, tension formed in the air.

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