Chapter Nineteen

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Carter’s POV:

“So you lied to us?” I heard Natalie say from behind her pillow. I nodded but realized she couldn’t see me so whispered yes. Damn, I really hate that word. “Why? Why did you think you had to lie to us Carter? I thought we were friends.”

When I got back to Brenton Dormitory, my mind kept going back to when Harry opened his dorm room door. Every single feeling of him I thought I kept locked up, came rushing back to me like a tidal wave. He is my light in my tunnel of darkness, but yet he is also at times my very own pleasure of darkness. I was tired of thinking he was going to change for me. That is impossible. I gave up on thinking something would happen between Harry and Me because there is no such thing as hope. If hope cared for me right now, this screwed up mess would just be a figment of my imagination.

I had told myself to start new when I came into Brentwood. I didn’t want my past to affect me, to haunt me. But yet it does and so does the present. I kept telling myself that I didn’t want to lie to those that care for me, so I knew I had to tell Natalie and Leslie the truth. As soon as I walked into the dorm room, I saw them lying on the floor going over their study guides and I knew it was now or never. I chose now. Every little detail I felt comfortable telling them, I told them. I didn’t want to lie to them about yesterday; I needed to tell them Harry dropped me off at Sophie’s house. There’s a saying that kept echoing in my mind while walking towards my dorm room: The truth always comes out sooner or later. Knowing my damn luck, if I waited until later, their reaction would have been much worse than what it is now. I just needed to rip the Band-Aid off and get the pain over with. No more lying. For me lying is pain and I was tired of it.

“I didn’t want to upset you guys considering what happened on Thursday night with Noah and Harry and how Harry punched your step brother. You hate Harry, Nat. The reason why I kept it from you guys is because I didn’t want you to hate him more just because he gave me a ride to London. I kept it from you guys and I completely understand your anger towards me but you need to know I just wanted to tell both of you. I don’t want to lie anymore.”

“Why didn’t Harry say something? Usually he would’ve told Noah, I mean Harry was pretty anxious to tell Noah that your date was cancelled. Why did he keep it from the whole student body?” Natalie jumped off her bed and walked around the room. She was making me feel uneasy.

“He said he didn’t want people to think differently of me. If they found out we were going to London together, some of the students would think the worst of things.” I said calmly. Everything I had said was true, I remember he was trying to protect me from assumptions of the students that waited for rumors to start. Brentwood is just like any other high school, rumors fed the hungry.

“Bullshit!” Natalie shouted. I looked up at her; my eyes were filling with rage. “The reason why he didn’t want to tell anybody about your little trip to London was because he knew he was going to screw it up one way or another. That’s why Carter. Because he didn’t want to embarrass himself. I mean what you told us about your aunt having to pick him up from the bar? So fucking embarrassing!”

I jumped up from my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I kept telling myself what a big mistake I did in telling them, but my own thoughts didn’t matter right now. I knew I needed to do what needed to be done. Right now it was like I was standing right in the middle of a hurricane. Everything kept hitting me hard, trying to push me down or sweep me off my feet, but I stood my ground because I wouldn’t let their power get the best of me. “Well you can think what you will–”

“Do you want to know who wasn’t here last night beside’s you and Harry?” I shook my head, but Natalie ignored me. “Teagan. Yep that’s right, the bitch. She took a little trip to London to ‘get away’. Guess where she was last night? At a bar. The same bar Harry was at. You should check her twitter. It’s filled with pictures of her dancing, grinding, having sex on the dance floor with Harry. Now do you see why, why we want to protect you Carter? I know you are tired of hearing it from us, but Harry is someone you do not want to give your heart to. What he will do to it, you don’t want to know. He’s an ass. He may have not of started off as one, but he is definitely ending as one.” Teagan. I should’ve known. The girl Sophie described, the one kissing Harry, the one that gave him a hickie on his neck was in fact Teagan.

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