Chapter Eleven

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Carter's POV:

I walked out of Ms. Remington's class with a major headache. Thoughts ran back and forth in my mind trying to process what she had just told me when she saw the photo I took of Harry laughing. This definitely told me a story. You and Harry have something going on between you two. Like a connection. It looks like he can be himself when he is around you... What exactly did she mean by that? I just took a photo of him throwing his head back laughing and she got the impression that Harry and I actually have a connection? Was she mental?

Frustration and confusion took the best of me. I looked up from where I was walking towards and saw I was on the opposite side of the language and elective building. Far away from my next class. How did I get over here so fast? I grabbed my phone and saw I had no signal. Crap. I groaned and continued to walk down a long, narrow hallway.

Thoughts kept running through my mind making me feel lost and vulnerable. One thought brought me back to the dream I had of Harry and Trevor a couple of days ago. Chills covered my body as I remembered parts of that nightmare over and over again in my head. I felt powerless and broken. Even though it was just a dream, it felt like Harry had witnessed the one thing I was trying to hide. I contemplated between something that I did not want to cross my mind. The similarities between the two were definite. For one, they both think so highly of themselves believing they are God's gift to women. Another reason they are parallel to each other is they both had their way with words. Their cunning comments were used for their own advantage. They made girls feel defenseless. I ran my fingers down the maroon lockers. Feeling the cold metal touch my skin made me aware of the one key comparison between the two that I did not want to come close to thinking about but it still appeared to me clear as day. They use girls for their own enjoyment and self gain. I clutched on to the straps of my backpack and felt everything spin around me. Even though I detested Trevor, a part of me could not feel the same way towards Harry. I just wish I knew the reason why. I shook my head back and forth trying to get these thoughts out of my own mind. I shouldn't be feeling this. He was just like Trevor. Someone you escaped from. Why go back to someone that reminds you of the one person you've feared? I sighed out of aggravation and tried to remember where I was.

The halls of Brentwood made me feel like I was in a never ending labyrinth. Some were wide and some were narrow. I took a turn down a long hall with pictures of how Brentwood used to look back then. The school did not have most of the buildings it had today; back then the school looked vacant and sad. There were no trees or flowers like there was now. Everything was plain and simple; I guess that was because the photo was taken in black and white. I was about to look at the pictures of the deans that held authority over Brentwood when I heard steps come up from behind me.

"What are you doing?" I quickly turned around and saw Harry step out of a restroom. I felt my cheeks go red as I pointed at the picture.

"I-I was looking at the pictures..." I held on to the straps of my shoulders for protection. "What were you doing? Shouldn't you be in class?" I lifted an eyebrow and eyed him. He laughed and crossed his lean arms.

"What? I'm not authorized to take a wee without someone coming with me?" My cheeks flushed even more. "And I don't have anything right now. What about you Carter? Shouldn't you be in class?" His dimples grew when he could tell I was lost. "Do you need any help finding your class?"

"No, I am perfectly fine with finding it on my own, thank you very much." I grabbed my map from the pocket of my blazer. I heard Harry sigh right in front of me.

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