Chapter Six

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I got out of William’s Escalade and looked at the house that stood right in front of me.  Everything looked so clean cut and beautiful, like something out of those home magazines. The tall oak tree stood on the right side of the house, close to the garden Sophie always said she would plant when she bought a home. The exquisite flowers shown fluorescent under the rising sunlight and the swing that hung on the tree slowly rocked back and forth with the morning breeze.  I followed the paved path that made its way to the front door. The white colonial house stood tall with dark green bushes surrounding the side of Sophie and William’s house.  Black shutters were attached to every window.  The front mahogany door held a summer wreath with bright daisies and the door mat read ‘Home Sweet Home’.  The second floor had two balconies, one on each side, and the third floor had three windows peaking out like triangular prisms.

 “Whoa…” I whispered, not thinking they heard me.

“I know, isn’t it beautiful?” Sophie said while running her hands up and down Will’s back.

“It’s huge!” I said while setting my backpack down on the soft green grass.

“Maybe during the weekends you would like to spend the night here or whenever you want.  Brentwood is about forty minutes from here so we could pick you up after work and take you back before curfew.” Sophie suggested.

“That sounds like a great idea but I need to get use to spending the night in my dorm for the first couple of weeks.”

“Well whatever you’d like Carter. Our home is your home.” William said while giving me a smile.

“What are we doing here if you said that I could start moving in to my dorm today?” I asked them. School was starting in four days and I needed to prepare myself for what was coming.

 “We are picking up the stuff your mom shipped for your dorm. I think we are going to take two cars. Who knew you would need all these things!” William said while going into their house to get my luggage.

“Oh shut it William! It’s just her clothes, books, shoes, and room décor. Not that much.” Sophie said with a grin. William huffed as carried the suitcase I had all my books in to the car.

“Oh that reminds me! The two girls that you are living with are seniors as well. Maybe you will have some classes together.” Sophie said while grabbing my bedding from a box my mom had packed it in.

“Do you know their names?” I asked while grabbing the soft pillows from the other box besides Sophie.

“No but you will meet them today. They should have the same interests as you. Brentwood bases personality and extracurricular activities to help you find dorm buddies. Maybe they are as smart as you, but I highly doubt it. My niece is a genius!”  I rolled my eyes are her complement.  When we put my bedding and pillows in William’s car, I grabbed my backpack from the ground and walked towards Sophie’s charcoal gray Range Rover.

“So William is going to follow us to Brentwood and then we are going to help you unpack, if that’s okay?” She said while giving William a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah that’s fine Soph. Thanks Will for helping me!” I said while opening the car door.

“You’re welcome Carter!” He said while giving Sophie a hug, “Drive safely!” Sophie laughed and shut the door.

“He thinks I’m not accustomed to driving on the right side. Truth is, I’m not.” Sophie said with a wicked grin.

“It feels weird being on the left side of the car and not driving!” I said while squirming in my seat. Sophie started the car and backed out of their driveway.

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