Chapter 9: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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“Rin, Rin wake up, c’mon Rin wake up please” The voice was quiet but still sounded worried and persistent. I felt a hand touch my cheek and slowly opened my eyes. I tilted my head slightly surprised and confused to see familiar large blue eyes.

“J-Jazmine?”  I noticed the slouch her stance and realized she was leaning her weight against the medical table.

“How did…”

“I woke up a few minutes ago after that guy came in to check on us, we have to go before he comes back.” I nodded and tried to move only to find restraints holding me down. I had to get out, I had to get Jazmine out, we had to get free and I had to do it before Orochimaru came back. I pulled down on of my restraints and groaned in pain as I tried to break it.

"Okay Rin, you can do this" I muttered to myself. I took hold of the rope attaching it to the table and pulled down as hard as I could and finally it snapped. I reached to my other wrist and quickly untied it along with both my ankles. I slipped off the table only to fall to the floor.

“Rin!” I flinched when she wrapped her hand around my arm and tried to pull me to my feet. I was weak, I knew that. My body was in pain and I was in no condition to be moving let alone using chakra.

"C'mon" I urged myself. The anesthetic I think was still wearing off and that added to my troubles. I pushed myself up slowly and steadied myself with the table. I looked around the room and noticed a window in the far corner. That would be our ticket out of here.

“I’m going to use Chakra to get up to that window, and then I’ll pull you up okay?” She nodded as I walked slowly over to the opposite wall and put my hands together focusing the chakra to my feet. I ran towards the wall and pushed myself from the floor. I could feel the chakra slipping away and used the last of it as I jumped up and grabbed the edge of the window. I let out a heavy sigh as I hung there for a moment.

“Rin I think I hear footsteps!” I nodded carefully moving so I was hanging upside down with my legs holding up along the windows edge. Jazmine pushed one of the medical tables below me and pulled herself on top.

"Are you awake yet Princess…" I turned and saw Orochimaru standing at the door, his yellow eyes suddenly on me as I caught Jazmine’s hand.

"Shoot" I focused chakra quickly throughout my body giving me the boost I needed to pull both Jazmine and I up and through the window.

"You little brats!" I slammed the window shut from the outside and grabbed Jazmine hand as we took off through the forest. I didn't know where we were going but I knew we had to get away.


I sighed as we stood in a large clearing. We had lost the trail again. I looked at Kakashi who was waiting for any words from his ninja dogs. Then I looked at Suki. She stood poised, a serious look in her silver eyes. She had never met Rin personally but knew enough about her from me. Including how much I cared about her.

"Itachi" I looked up at Suki and she smiled slightly.

"We'll find her" It was hard to believe her but I knew she was right. Dead or alive. We would find her.


I was running through the forest. Confused and lost considering that all the trees looked the same. I was running low on chakra, I was running low on energy and most importantly I was running low on blood. The cut on my leg had reopened and I could feel the strain that was being put on my body from the blood loss. Not only that but Jazmine was beginning to lag behind, and I knew unlike me she didn’t have any ninja training at this age.

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