Chapter 13: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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Five years old and strong enough to be a chunin. Well maybe not a chunin but defiantly a genin. This was one of those days I wanted away from family. Hence why I was sitting on the dock of the lake with Shikamaru.

"Do you like me Rin?" I laughed slightly.

"Of course I do Shika your my best friend" He chuckled slightly and shook his head.

"No, I mean I like you to Rin, your my best friend of course but I mean like, like" I tilted my head slightly as I looked at him.

"My Dad says that there are ways to see if a girl likes you, like if she's always laughing and smiling around you or playing with her hair or something. So you're always doing that" I nodded slightly as I felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

"And he says how a guy can tell he likes a girl is that he can never get them out there head, he always wants to spend time with her. He misses her when there not together" I didn't notice when it happened but we had gotten close enough that our foreheads were now pressed together.

"I think I like you Rin" He leaned in then, slowly, careful and just as unsure of what to do as I was. I closed my eyes then and soon felt our lips meet. It was soft, sweet, simple and confused until finally he pulled away. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I stood quickly.

"Um I-I have to go Shika, I-I'll see you tomorrow" He stood up to and gave me a long hug.

"See you tomorrow Rin" I smiled slightly and nodded as I ran off. I guess I liked Shikamaru but we still seemed too young for anything at all to happen. I turned a corner and slammed into a wall of flesh. I expected to fall when strong arms caught me and pulled me back to my feet. I looked up meeting a familiar face.

"Um h-hey Kakashi" I stammered.

"Hey Rin I was just looking for you actually"

"Me? Really?" He nodded taking my hand.

"C'mon let's get some Mochi ice cream, I have something I need to talk to you about" I nodded slightly following him towards the village. I guess this was okay, he is an Anbu so I was protected.


I sat with Rin on the village gates as she finished off her ice cream. She put the cup on the gate and pushed her hair back behind her ear and smiled as she looked at me.

"So what is that you wanted to talk to me about?" I sighed as I sat beside her and looked towards the setting sun.

"Itachi" I could feel her gaze on me before she looked in the same direction I was.

"What about Itachi?"

"He's been spending a lot of time with the hokage and the village elders"

"He's an Anbu captain Kakashi, of course he is" I sighed then.

"I know Rin but he's been acting different, his attitude, he seems more and more to himself..."

"Shut up!" I looked at her then and noticed tears rolling down her cheeks.


"I saw him, almost one week ago, He..." She shook her head then.

"Rin you can trust me" She looked at me then with tears streaming for her eyes and shook her head.

"No, No cause your one of them. You a village ninja, and if I tell anyone what I saw then Itachi will get in trouble."

"Rin..." She shook her head tearing away from me as she jumped off the bridge and ran off. I sighed as I watched her disappear into the forest. She knew something and she's seen something and whatever those things were, she was suffering from it.

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