Chapter 20: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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I could almost hear my body yelling at me to stop, to just fall over and rest. I knew just as well as Sasuke that I didn’t have the stamina or chakra to support the sharingan, fight and copy jutsu that I’ve never even heard of or never tried. Setsuna barely had time to teach the fireball jutsu and here I am doing things that don’t even fall into the same level as that. I had no choice though. Sasuke was tired, and had taken a hard hit earlier that was now starting to show effect in his ability to stand up straight.

“Rin I…” I turned then catching Sasuke as his fell and falling to my knees with him unable to support his weight, seeing as I was barely able to support my own. So I stood corrected, his ability to stand at all was gone.

“It’s okay Sasuke, I’ve got you” I muttered to him.

“So the little Princess is protecting her elder brother? Why how pitiful.” I glared at the man and noticed him flinch under my gaze. I carefully pushed Sasuke from my lap and got to my feet in front of him.

“My brothers are always protecting me; it’s time I return the favour.” He chuckled darkly as he raised his hands.

“You’ve copied many of my jutsu Princess but I’ve still got a trick or two up my sleeve” I raised my hands ready to follow his movements as he began his hand signs.

“Rin no!”


I could sense how low Rin’s chakra levels were. I knew that the jutsu, no matter how simple or complex it could have been’ would have pushed her to absolute zero. It would have killed her. I had seen her with her sharingan and I had watched as she copied the hand signs of the man. That’s when I realized his plan.

“Rin no!” I shot from the bushes then grabbing Rin’s hands and stopping her movements.

“What the…” But the man’s sentence was cut short and as I glanced behind me I saw Itachi with his katana through the man’s chest. His sharingan eyes fierce and angered as the man gasped and gagged.

“Why were you after my siblings?”

“I-I just wanted the Pr-Princess”

“Then what were you plans with my brother?” The man didn’t respond until Itachi applied more pressure to the blade.

“I-I was going to kill him!”

“Why?” He demanded as I finally released Rin’s hands.

“S-She’s the reason m-my brother is dead.” Itachi pondered this only for a moment but even I made the connection.

“You’re brother tried to kidnap her, his downfall was his own carelessness and stupidity. Now for the same reasons you will join your brother.” With a swift slice Itachi ended the man’s life and his body sagged to the ground. I sighed then, we would have to clean this up.

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